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Morgan Freeman

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Everything posted by Morgan Freeman

  1. Only after the 3 crater
  2. Shouldn’t rule break my dude
  3. i can give you the 10mil now for the houses
  4. How much for the spar 16 s?
  5. Only way to fix the bug, kinda aids i know
  6. You have to soft log each time you get lethaled
  7. Good luck with your real life shit and take it easy
  8. How much for the mk1
  9. Personally I think that vigis shouldn’t be allowed to use the courthouse, this is due to the fact they are robbing people and then paying the bounties off. They should be allowed to rob and break the law but shouldn’t be able to pay thier bounties off at courthouses
  10. He said he spent 7mil on a 4 crater house. How the FUCK do you spend 7 mil on a house
  11. Why you script then xD @Xlax
  12. Has the house been sold yet?
  13. How much did everyone spend on striders
  14. Why did you sell your meth houses but now want to buy another one?
  15. lol what did you do?
  16. Looking for preferably a 4 crater for doing meth, will pay a decent amount for it
  17. Dammm who makes a 27 min long video to prove a whole lotta shit that no one cares about. I suggest finding something better to do with your life imo
  18. I'd rather buy a 4 crater, sorry
  19. Will pay a decent amount of money for it
  20. I added you on steam its Morgan Freeman Added you
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