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Morgan Freeman

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Everything posted by Morgan Freeman

  1. Offers below please
  2. 7mil
  3. Sizes?
  4. will pay a decent price
  5. Anyone wanna play scum?

  6. ill take 35
  7. What about when you want to know if someone is on cap.
  8. When you lose 11mil because betting is shit
  9. Can we please get rid of this double time thing in jail. Logged off while i was in for 17 mins more, log back on today and i have 35 mins. Like WTF

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Morgan Freeman

      Morgan Freeman

      But what about people who legitimately need to log off, or game crashes, power cuts etc 

    3. maxg


      not sure. i think its just a thing we have to deal with 

    4. obeymatt


      Ya I had 30 mins server restarted and boom 60 mins in jail 

  10. When the Deputy wants the bounty so much he gets locked in a house.


    1. ikiled


      haha, nice.. definitely done that one before 

    2. Unjo
  11. How much for it all?
  12. PM or put your offers down below, willing to pay a fair amount
  13. Pm or show me your offers below
  14. Anyone else think that its about time for another purge
  15. Can I have a loan of 10mil please will payback in 10 months
  16. I do believe shooting tyres out then engaging is actually fail rp
  17. So if i invest 27mil into this scheme you're telling me that you'll pay me 2.7mil a week.
  18. I dont know if ill be on then
  19. You in ts?
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