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Posts posted by Ryan

  1. Video Games used to be the first thing I jumped to as soon as I had the free time in middle school/part of high school. I used to be a major fat ass at home all day. Half way through High school I saw the people around me never being home and constantly going out, it made me look back on myself and start going outside. Eventually led to me hitting the gym and constantly having plans. Now everytime I try to play something after an hour or two I start to get bored and want to go outside instead of playing a video game or I just pack my schedule with school and work to keep me busy. Shits crazy, but it’s def better to prioritize social life. 

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  2. 29 minutes ago, AnimeWarlord said:

    see the last slide actually make sense if i knew that was the case i would have complied i genuinely didn't know what to do then they shot a rpg at me of course i fucking ran. lmao

    Look on the bright side... they wasted more money shooting you with their RPG then you lost in the actual box truck. Who really lost there? 🤔

  3. 18 minutes ago, Zurph said:

    You guys need to make it were people have to pay for their own load out. So they have tot actually make money for the event instead of just logging on for the one time and then not ever logging back on. And it will help with deflating the economy.

    It’s supposed to be a small little event for people to enjoy. Prizes were blown out of proportion and probably should be smaller. We thought of this event a while ago and never updated the details as of recent. 

    13 minutes ago, Aunt Jemima said:

    If it's a cartel event why not have it sync with the other servers...may as well call this a knock off gang wars if it's free loadouts. All kinds of trolls gonna hop on for free loadouts and never log on again smh

    Anyone that hops on to troll instead of actually participate will face an event disruption ban, which can lead to a perm based off ban history, and a perm ban from all future events. 

  4. Glad we turned this nice post into a roast session. If any of you want to read the suggestion you can, locking this before shit gets more out of hand. 

    @an overweight giant retard’s comment could of been portrayed in more the one way, some saw it as offensive, some took it as a serious Suggestion, while others thought it was a joke. However you want to see it is up to you, but the beef ain’t happening in here. 

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  5. 14 minutes ago, G F said:

    Economy only inflated from factions cause they don’t pay for shit and they make a lot, where’re as people who actually play civ and fight don’t have much

    You’re not wrong, we working on fixes. The 100% cop payouts on WZ and reduction in discounts on medic should do a bit but isn’t the complete resolution as of yet

    • Like 2
  6. 14 minutes ago, andrewfam said:

    this is great and all but 2.9mil each is fuck all

    Our economy is extremely inflated for me to make it more. However, I saw the complaints from the last one regarding the prize pool, so that is why I added the 150 WP per player this way it doesn’t add into the whole money factor but does compensate for the ability to buy more load outs. 

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