I never said it wouldn't happen at all, it's still going to happen if you get out maneuvered/out played. It's inevitable. In fact, it's only a matter of time before it happens to me. But I'm not going to say it should be removed when it does. Generally speaking any death I've had in Arma I can always trace back what I did wrong that got me there, acknowledge my screw up, and try to be more aware going forward. I don't win 100% of the time in every engagement, and sure it sucks, but it's fine.
I'm not sure why people think that I am on a power trip of some sort? You're not the first to say something along those lines, and you won't be the last I'm sure. Let me try and break it down for you, and others, real simply though. I've spoken like this (however "this" is) since the moment I signed up on the forums and probably the past 10ish years of my life. The irony right now is you claiming I speak down to people while simultaneously being incredibly condescending, it's fairly amusing though.
All the points I make you feel are toxic and obnoxious? Well, are we attempting to have a legitimate discussion or are we talking about feelings because they're pretty damn exclusive. If you want a logical/thought out debate I'm all for it, hence why I might be a dick but I'm not wrong. I mean look at @MrRonSwanson his "argument" is "fuck off", and I'm the issue? That's adorable. In an actual debate, your feelings are irrelevant. I don't care if it makes you feel good or not, I care about what's logical and makes the most sense.
It's funny you bring up jesse though, he was telling me in TS that I'm coming off as very sarcastic in this thread. Which, he's right. I will take it seriously when someone makes a serious argument, as I have done in countless other threads. Otherwise my responses are only as serious as the context. Generally, I won't write a page of text in response to 3 sentences completely separated from any form of logic. How would that make any sense?
And yes, people can say whatever they want on the forums. Thank you for pointing out the obvious while apparently being oblivious to the fact that anyone can then respond to them. I could go on the forums and make a status update that says "Macs are so much better than PCs for playing Arma" but then I shouldn't be surprised when other people comment on it and call me an idiot for that. Why would you think that if you post an idea publicly that it wouldn't get challenged? I would easily expect that for anything I post which is why I attempt to make sure I cover my bases. I've been proven wrong before and when I am I don't double down on stupid, I, often begrudgingly, admit it.
Also, you don't hate saying that, we both know you think you're a god at the game so of course you enjoyed your chance at a dig there. While I easily disagree, it's neither here nor there, that's a debate for another place and time. And using the "I'm new here" as a way to discount my argument? See, this is what I mean. It's hard to take something like that seriously because if you genuinely think that you need a required amount of hours for logic, you are sorely mistaken.
So here is your wall of text for a condescending post thinly-veiled as some sort of advice. What a joke.
Edit: In case you were unaware of why I called it a joke, it's because your entire post is pretty much attacking me and not my position. Which really only goes to prove a point here....
Explain to me 1) How it's circular 2) where else I've used this argument besides in regards to tazing/restraining