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Everything posted by TheRandomOne

  1. Whose levels? I don't agree with him but even I know he's completely entitled to voice his opinion, and he should in fact. Especially if it helps promote an open discussion.
  2. Your second point is definitely accurate. During my time career copping on Asylum I will say, I fought civs waaay more there. And I don't mean kavala scats. Big gangs, Synergy,Bad Blood, DHM, and many more. These were the kind of gangs who would see 15 cops on and still do feds and shit. The ones who would fight cops to the point higher ups ordered cops to switch servers because people would get constantly killed/kidnapped. Honestly, comparing the two cops have it much easier here. Maybe that's why I don't understand the fuss.
  3. Well, if you read the context in which that was written it technically would help. Additionally, I can't force anything on you so I think you can breathe easy chief. Also, no one is arguing if this is Asylum or not, nobody is lost. And you're right for the other issues cops face, trying to get an armed blackish for the top 10% of cops would do wonders to help the other 90% of cops. Better yet, buffing only the ghost hawk(which I actually agree was necessary for the ghost hawk itself), will do wonders to help the majority of cops that can't pull them out. You'll have to forgive me if I believe your perception to be a bit skewed. Everything can be abused. If you're going to join the conversation get a better argument
  4. Same way you used to on Asylum. Tasers and restraints. These guys unfortunately aren't a fan though.
  5. While everyone is being cancerous in that thread, can we all just take a moment to realize that we lost a dev that did a fuck ton of work for this server? You might not agree with everything he's done, but he put a lot of time into this server and nobody can deny that

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raine


      Why Jesse why):

    3. TheRandomOne


      @TheRealKyle no one is denying it,sure. But much like what @Legolum was saying, everyone is getting hung up on a minor rule that won't affect the majority of them  though they treat it like it's some George orwellian 1984 esque dystopia,without paying much attention to the more important part of that post. At best, we lost 1/3 of our development team, repercussions will be felt

  6. Simple solution - Allow PO's to have lethals.
  7. It's an illustration alright. I'll give you that. Under what you are assuming to be a circular argument though, telling someone they'll get better at something if they practice is a circular argument. So, yes, it is definitely an illustration, but it doesn't prove anything, sir.
  8. Congrats you've made a graphic. It doesn't actually make sense, but hey, why prove a point when you can make a pretty picture. So, still waiting on you to answer my 2 questions.
  9. See, this is just too easy. You're "holding back" for fear of getting moderated which means you can't even form an intelligent point. Feel free to join the conversation when you have something relevant to say.
  10. C'mon Snare, ya did it again. Trying to use the "new/not new" argument when it didn't even hold up the first time. And attacking him? Who did I attack? If you feel this threatened by a logical argument, then your problem isn't with me friend. Also, see? This is why I don't write walls of text. Because you literally read everything I just said (ideally), said "fuck it" threw it out the window and repeated yourself using different words and you wonder why I don't take it seriously. See, this I understand. A vigi shouldn't be more powerful than even a deputy so the deputies weapon should at least be better than any vigi weapon. +1
  11. I never said it wouldn't happen at all, it's still going to happen if you get out maneuvered/out played. It's inevitable. In fact, it's only a matter of time before it happens to me. But I'm not going to say it should be removed when it does. Generally speaking any death I've had in Arma I can always trace back what I did wrong that got me there, acknowledge my screw up, and try to be more aware going forward. I don't win 100% of the time in every engagement, and sure it sucks, but it's fine. I'm not sure why people think that I am on a power trip of some sort? You're not the first to say something along those lines, and you won't be the last I'm sure. Let me try and break it down for you, and others, real simply though. I've spoken like this (however "this" is) since the moment I signed up on the forums and probably the past 10ish years of my life. The irony right now is you claiming I speak down to people while simultaneously being incredibly condescending, it's fairly amusing though. All the points I make you feel are toxic and obnoxious? Well, are we attempting to have a legitimate discussion or are we talking about feelings because they're pretty damn exclusive. If you want a logical/thought out debate I'm all for it, hence why I might be a dick but I'm not wrong. I mean look at @MrRonSwanson his "argument" is "fuck off", and I'm the issue? That's adorable. In an actual debate, your feelings are irrelevant. I don't care if it makes you feel good or not, I care about what's logical and makes the most sense. It's funny you bring up jesse though, he was telling me in TS that I'm coming off as very sarcastic in this thread. Which, he's right. I will take it seriously when someone makes a serious argument, as I have done in countless other threads. Otherwise my responses are only as serious as the context. Generally, I won't write a page of text in response to 3 sentences completely separated from any form of logic. How would that make any sense? And yes, people can say whatever they want on the forums. Thank you for pointing out the obvious while apparently being oblivious to the fact that anyone can then respond to them. I could go on the forums and make a status update that says "Macs are so much better than PCs for playing Arma" but then I shouldn't be surprised when other people comment on it and call me an idiot for that. Why would you think that if you post an idea publicly that it wouldn't get challenged? I would easily expect that for anything I post which is why I attempt to make sure I cover my bases. I've been proven wrong before and when I am I don't double down on stupid, I, often begrudgingly, admit it. Also, you don't hate saying that, we both know you think you're a god at the game so of course you enjoyed your chance at a dig there. While I easily disagree, it's neither here nor there, that's a debate for another place and time. And using the "I'm new here" as a way to discount my argument? See, this is what I mean. It's hard to take something like that seriously because if you genuinely think that you need a required amount of hours for logic, you are sorely mistaken. So here is your wall of text for a condescending post thinly-veiled as some sort of advice. What a joke. Edit: In case you were unaware of why I called it a joke, it's because your entire post is pretty much attacking me and not my position. Which really only goes to prove a point here.... Explain to me 1) How it's circular 2) where else I've used this argument besides in regards to tazing/restraining
  12. Unfortunately, we live in reality.
  13. Because it's not bullshit. Play smarter, be tazed/restrained less. It's quite simple honestly.And yes, it'll still happen sometimes no matter how smart you play. Well guess what? It should. The playing field is equalized. The amount of money/time a civ costs a cop when he is tazed/robbed is marginal to how much cops cost civs.
  14. Way to add to the conversation there chief. +1. I'm guessing other ideas include World Peace, and fixing world hunger.
  15. If tactics weren't involved that might be why ya lost.
  16. That's definitely part of it. And I don't just mean how well you can shoot, it has to do with awareness/reading a battle, instead of charging in stupidly. Like these threads about the topic? Fix this and it'll happen so much less to you. You've been tazing/arresting civs for 2 years with little to no chance at repercussions. Now the playing field is equalized and it's suddenly a problem? Do you want to go play cop right now with me? I'll show you how I don't get robbed every second I'm on cop.
  17. Make a valid point and I will. I've listen to quite a few cops complain about the tazing/robbing and it's pretty much they're just salty they have something to actually lose. They can't just throw their bodies at something until they win. This is good, maybe it'll help break some of them of the RetardRushTM they always do. Also server rules should be for equality of opportunity for every side, but it shouldn't change to try and equalize the skill level.
  18. The news team is irrelevant to this discussion, but thanks for your support.
  19. You have a designated time?
  20. Can we stop with the shitty arguments yet or do we want to just copy and paste what we said from last time? Because you're a broken record without a real point.
  21. Here's how I see it going: Officer tazes and restrains someone Officer: You have the right to remain silent... *they start getting salty and shouting shit* Officer:....but you do not have the ability Actually, that sounds fun. I might do that.
  22. Yup. It only started happening to me about 2 or 3 weeks ago though which is weird. But I just use this to fix it so it's annoying but it works
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