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Everything posted by TheRandomOne

  1. Boop

    1. -dante-
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Still don't think you and @ThatRandomGuy have ever been seen in the same room together.


    3. TheRandomOne


      Oh hai @Dante


      And I mean, no one ever technically saw @Poseidon and I in the same room. Depending on who you ask, it was just me constantly talking to myself 

      @Grandma Gary 

  2. https://gyazo.com/9ab8c41e506aa4c290f9552c5434e8b9


    3 mins and im back. Lets gooooooooooo

    1. -dante-


      Capt. Morgan in hand, right?

    2. TheRandomOne


      Nah, I finished the Captain that day/night @Dante

  3. got banned from the TS 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      Last time I got drunk I crashed 3 orcas and 2 mh9s on cop cause someone said I was lying about flying through the solar tower 

    3. Mercury


      @Bow I don't white girl wasted

    4. TheRandomOne
  4. Shit. Someone let me post here. Hey cheeto. Talk to me.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TheRandomOne


      says the incompetent admin 

    3. -dante-


      1 hour ago, Grandma Gary said:

      pfft Dante shits incompetence. 


      1 hour ago, TheRandomOne said:

      says the incompetent admin 


    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Who do you think recruited him you coon?

  5. That moment when Hostile Takeover tries to "recruit" you. *shudders*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dangus


      Lol. Sounds like a good time. We'll have to play sometime soon btw.

    3. TheRandomOne


      I'm down, felt good to Arma again

    4. Dangus


      I'll be on around 4 I think. Who knows, let's just play soon.

  6. So I have about 40 pieces of CSAT still, now seems like a good time to sell them. I'll make a post with pictures and shit,but who's interested?

  7. Good luck! @Tman15tmb
  8. I'm guessing you had the same idea then?
  9. TheRandomOne Battlegrounds Why? Looks like it could be fun! And mostly because everyone I know is playing it and I miss playing games with them haha.
  10. So is Battlegrounds actually worth it or is it just a hype train right now?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheRandomOne


      My biggest gripe is that it's ONLY one game mode

    3. -dante-


      Well, that's why it's not a 60 dollar game. I'm hoping even out of beta it never is because of the fact that it's only one game mode. 

  11. When/how did that become an insult anyway?
  12. "On your neck for no reason", eh?
  13. @Dante Fleury still have the video?
  14. And yet I've seen you cheat on the cqc server a couple of times. You even posted it to your YouTube....
  15. Whays that cqc server everyone plays on called?

    1. -dante-


      Uncle Geo? Assuming you're referring to the one we played. I haven't seen it on my recent list in quite a few days for some reason. I don't know if it's down or what. 

    2. RogueMK


      They got a new server due to the 64bit it's still called the same just takes some searching 

  16. Goodbye News Team

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Dangus


      It was a good run. Hopefully it can be picked up by somebody, if not, it was a fun time to be able to work with you on creating the News Team. I enjoyed every second of it.

    3. Fedot


      Youre salty af and edited this post 5 times

  17. So, time for some headset recommendations. What are you guys rocking?

    1. Tobias Foxtrot
    2. TroyOGG


      Turtle Beach Stealth 450 

      Best headset ive owned wireless, battery lasts a long time and very nice to wear.

    3. platinumfire
  18. Everyone else is playing Battlegrounds and here I am just playing Astroneer

    1. Temple


      astroneer is lit tho

  19. Shameless plug: Come watch Talindor and I play some horror/survival Arma 3:


  20. That moment you realize looks can kill:


    1. JBruesch


      XD 11 outta fuckin 10

  21. While I can't speak for all of them, this definitely ain't my style
  22. That's fair, I knew it wouldn't affect much, i knew it was the client side 64bit that would affect players more. Knowing BI though I don't expect too much
  23. Question about the 64bit servers, you mentioned before it probably wouldn't make that much of a difference at all for clients. Why is that? I would think when clients have to pull from the server 64 bit would help with handling that load,wouldnt it?
  24. As far as I'm aware they mentioned that they're not yet. There's certain tweaks on the back end that need to happen before they can switch over to 64
  25. Lock the thread? How else do I entertain myself at work though?
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