Hey Olympus,
This was quite a read. However, I wanted to settle the rumours as much as I can. I can absolutely assure you that there is no master plan in regards to our cooperation with Olympus on our player bans. We are under new ownership and are reviewing how things are done. I'm not going to elaborate here further out of respect. I think a healthy rivalry is important as it will keep both sides on their toes, honest and true to their player base. I encourage you to support your team here. They had no control over the decisions we made at Asylum. It's not fair to ridicule their accomplishments and daily work with unfounded facts and wrongful assumptions. I wish Olympus the best, and if I could ever be of help, my offer is there. They (Olympus) have always extended the same and have worked hard to keep our lines of communication open. It's my hope that these lines can remain open for the various reasons that could potentially benefit both of the communities regardless of decisions that are being made on Asylum.
With regards,