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  1. @ Milo fine, if I can't have wasteland, the least you could do is add in the M4 Scorcher so I can lob shells into cap from sofia
  2. I'm sitting here and got the urge to play A3 Wasteland again since the last time I played was over 3 years ago. I popped open the server browser and sorted it to Wasteland servers and there just isn't any popular ones, the most players I saw on one was a Russian server with 14 people on it. This got me thinking, Would Olympus consider making a Wasteland server? I feel like the devs could honestly knock it out of the park with quality of the script work done on the Altis life server. I, by no means, am knowledgeable as to the in's and out's of server management and what that all includes, Just curious on if a wasteland server has ever been discussed and if the possibility is there?
  3. I got to thinking earlier about ARMA 4 and when it is released if Oly is going to be moving over there or staying on ARMA 3.  I've heard some conflicting information regarding this subject.  who thinks we should go to ARMA 4 and who thinks it should stay on 3?

    I personally don't think we should go to ARMA 4 right out the gate. Unless there is an ease of integration for what we're used to (I don't see that being possible)


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Millennium


      It would be stupid to remain on Arma 3. More than likely developers/owners will gain access to thing prior to the release of Arma 4 (if it ever comes out) allowing them to start the framework, building the servers, etc. 

      Ideally the code will be some coding language used other than just for Arma (like SQF) so it will be a lot easier for developers to actually create things for the server. Ontop of that with how Arma reforger is you wouldn’t need to launch your games with the specific mods before joining the server, you can just download the mod as a part of joining the server. That  is a massive reason why Olympus has stayed unmodded (with exception of client mods), so many newer players launch arma with no mods and can easily join Olympus. If they tried to join Anzus they would have to find their mod list and download all their mods and relauch their game with all of them on. Then if they wanna swap to a different server they have to take it off. With Arma 4 that would more than likely never be an issue again.

      Arma 4 would also bring TONS of players back to Arma/Olympus even if it is temporary, but would be wasteful not to capitalize on it.

      There are already life servers on Arma reforger which uses a beta version of the enfusion engine and dayz uses and even earlier version of that as well. So the possibility of servers being put up fairly quickly is pretty high.

      If olympus were to remain on Arma 3 only it would probably die off. The already low population on Arma 3 (not just olympus) would shrink even more with the newer game coming out.

    3. thor


      Ye stay on arma 3, an already dying game before arma 4 is even out. good one :4head:

    4. Noble


      Without saying too much, I can almost promise you we will make a relatively quick and well developed swap to A4

  4. POV: you're about to waste $4,200,000


  5. R&R Shikra plz

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. notsodank
    3. notsodank
    4. silton


      why not medics don't rev people any way. Useless retards add these and defibs

  6. Hmmm I wonder if my 1v1 arena idea would be good for CQC practice
  7. I do a 3 strike thing, I can understand accidentally requesting a denial, but when someones butt hurt and salty that they died, or cant accept being denied by a 3rd party and theyre just spamming the request button, then they can wait
  8. I understand it a video game, but its supposed to be fun, I'm not saying you guys shouldn't role play, I would have thought the "safety squad" would have been hilarious, until you guys started spamming group chat, sitting in a city and doing nothing, then roaching the nearest bounty that any cop online picked up. "you guys have fun with that pharma, we got Sofia on lock" - @Mutiny *shows up 30 seconds before all clear*
  9. "fast" like what, giving pardons to half the guys you roach off of all the other cops online?
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