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Everything posted by Savage

  1. If Boo would like to explain I used to HATE him, but I have him a chance after he said he can change and ever since we team up to piss off rp slayer and it's funny asf
  2. Just out of curiosity how much was everyone's PC? Not including your Mouse, Headphones, Keyboard, etc

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Pledge


      24 gold bars from robbing the fed



      Intel i7 4770k

      Nvidia GTX 980 Ti

    3. Majed


      Gtx 1080 

      i7 4790k

      16gb ram

      razer kraken 7.1 

      razer epic chroma

      144Hz monitor

      and 500gb ssd <<<< i can't report ban people cause i have low storage xD

      i think it cost more than 1000 dollars

    4. chino Brih
  3. Didn't know my Grandma had a dick. It sounds like a fun experience let's go for it!
  4. If I were u I would use DaVinci Reslove. Its free and it good
  5. Weekend coming up any gangs fighting?

    1. Savage


      @Col3 Why do you always talk shit like stop starting shit I'm not trying to fight here

    2. ItsGG


      I heard NSM special forces might be up to something

  6. Don't wanna rush you but eta on this?
  7. I feel everyone should get to the closest hundred. Example he has 234 he gets 200. Another example he has 835 he gets 800. It will be fair for everyone
  8. Savage

    Hunter for sale

    lol more like you wanted to get rid of them. Especially the pink ones
  9. Savage

    Hunter for sale

    Ima RVD 1 of ur 10 ifrits buddy
  10. Savage

    Hunter for sale

    Its only game, why you have to be mad
  11. Savage

    Hunter for sale

    If your gonna attempt to make me feel bad at least make sure what your saying makes sense. My brain hurt trying to process what you said.
  12. Savage

    Hunter for sale

    You cant buy hunters anymore u downie I think they go for a bit more than a mil and just stop commenting stupid shit on people's posts @Creepy @xDRO keep you dog on a leash cause all I see is "Gang - Blackwater Inc"
  13. There has to be a story for this
  14. Yea he did donate $400 to the server why would they ban him? I'm sure a lot of us would understand why he did what he did
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