Here is something that alot lack...... how to talk on comms when in a firefight..... if you are not the one in charge,(highest apd rank in situation,,,,,,,,or leader-coleader-cap't etc in a gang) then learn how to use tactical call-outs. apd gets their asses handed to them at feds and such because there is to much stupid comms noone can hear where any suspect is. all i hear is ,,,fuck im killed,,, dont u think we need to go over hear??? if it was me id do this..... learn how to be quiet. if your not in charge then silence is golden. the only thing needs to be said is 1/2/3 people gate 3 or i seen 2 people tower etc..... thats for the apd. and if a corp. is handling a situation it dont mean another corp. starts telling the first 1 what to do and taking over the situation. hell help each other out. lets not have a who's dick is bigger situation. i've ran with alot of various gangs and from my experience the gangs with the best call-outs and comms is the ones who nomally win the fights. even if they are out numbered. so lets all work on comms and shut the hell up with all the stupid shit.
that's all i have
paw out