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Everything posted by theycallmepaw

  1. just remember if you rp right any rule can be broken.
  2. whos chopper was it looked like adi's
  3. you have to be in the selected crew to get to jorbis hell he hasnt spoke to me in weeks he to busy for us little people
  4. im a squeeker beause i dont have teeth and they make fun of me because im old and wear depends. but its ok ill let my depends spill on them when we in a car and get shit on them and when we crash my teeth fall out and when we get back into the car they better not hit another bump or the teeth rolling around gonna bite their ankles and the gonna need R&R. i like ur brother but he needs to just take it with light intentions at the end of the day he has a off button.
  5. id drink a beer in ur honor bill but i gave up drinking for lent... but good luck in what ever u do and make sure they are always on the bottom of you.. your the tops lol
  6. bubb it looks like someone is coding. they are showing live coding i do believe but don't know who is the coder.
  7. wow no more sacrifices for the virgin gods of olympus to make sure the altis kids have a good harvest season and learn well in the schools so we dont produce kids with a i.q of 1 but its ok
  8. if u ever need a couch to crash i have one for you jendrak i know divorces are a you know what. been there done that got screwed with no t-shirt
  9. actually it can be taken 2 ways. in 1 senario you can be taken a hostage. in the 2nd senario you can be just robbed,, or you can even just be executioned for the fun of it, in senario 1 you cannot be killed as a hostage unless the negotiators fail to meet the demands. in senario 2 you can be killed if you fail to give them what they want according to rules. ex. if they rob you they cant shoot you. in the last thing i've seen players state put ur hands up or die then walk up to said person and state you will now be executioned for your sins then 1 bullet to the head. all i got to say about that paw out
  10. more then likely it was a patrol officer and what he did was give you a 500 dollar ticket as a pardon since that is all he allowed to do by APD standards. he either gives you full price bounty or if he believes your story and rp he can write a 500 dollar pardon ticket.
  11. why dont you make it armnhammer lmao
  12. well i dont see the money and ratting u out on what
  13. hi i am old in real life so if you have a skinny momma who is single and she needs a great dude im here all i got to say about that paw out
  14. the moment when you find out that maverick is hamofmoose property and all you can do is shake ur head

  15. bojo hope u feel better and maybe if they give good pain meds u can take ur good hand and grab some potatoes.......... potatoes will make it all better.......
  16. then use shadow play then when u need it u hit a button and it records last 6 mins of what happened
  17. gratz
  18. does that mean devil needs demoted for putting his pecker in jello??????? maybe devil and snowballing would be better lmao
  19. hell no sence in preaching it they won't listen lol they smarter then the average person who actuallu have played cop or corrections in real life. only difference is when you make a bad call in real life the person who gets shot sometimes lives and when he dies he can't respawn lol
  20. Here is something that alot lack...... how to talk on comms when in a firefight..... if you are not the one in charge,(highest apd rank in situation,,,,,,,,or leader-coleader-cap't etc in a gang) then learn how to use tactical call-outs. apd gets their asses handed to them at feds and such because there is to much stupid comms noone can hear where any suspect is. all i hear is ,,,fuck im killed,,, dont u think we need to go over hear??? if it was me id do this..... learn how to be quiet. if your not in charge then silence is golden. the only thing needs to be said is 1/2/3 people gate 3 or i seen 2 people tower etc..... thats for the apd. and if a corp. is handling a situation it dont mean another corp. starts telling the first 1 what to do and taking over the situation. hell help each other out. lets not have a who's dick is bigger situation. i've ran with alot of various gangs and from my experience the gangs with the best call-outs and comms is the ones who nomally win the fights. even if they are out numbered. so lets all work on comms and shut the hell up with all the stupid shit. that's all i have paw out
  21. yes i agree bring back the thong potatoe
  22. but we do have some baby corporals,, lol expescially the ones that like act 12 and think they know everything about being a cop and havent hit puberty yet. those might count as baby cadets lmao
  23. cadets do we have cadets. im now stupid i guess
  24. i say line evryone up and lethal everyone problem solved lol paw out
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