I don't have his perspective, and didn't have anything that was mine in the shed at the time, so I'll ask this just for clarity:
Where were you in the shed? Did you have a vehicle outside the shed? Were you visible from the outside (say from a heli flying by, or a car driving nearby)
IF the cop came to check our shed with no reason to be there, other than that the cop knew that was our shed, is that not Meta or something?
If you were not hidden, and or had a vehicle outside or some way for a cop to suspect someone was in that building, than the cop had every reason to check it out. Otherwise, this would infact be absolute bullshit if the cop decided to just fly out there and check our shed simply because that cop is aware that shed is ours. If the cop flew or drove to the shed, got out of said vehicle and tried to go inside, checked windows etc. to see if you were there, than that is total BS. But if it was you leaving something to give a cop a reason to believe that you were there.. than it's your fault.