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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. I'm just saying the one that can't hold gold or a truck should be legal
  2. My jet goes 500, you going to make that illegal? Or what about an orca because it goes 300?
  3. Learn how to drive
  4. yknow i dont think im going to drink at 2 am again 

    1. drraison


      reported for self harm 

    2. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      thanks for letting us know 

  5. bumporino
  6. id say a mil, maybe. the thing is a glass canon due to how arma set the damage, especially with the server issue with it auto going to 100 engine upon landing jets are used for fast recon and can turn alot better, its also just a rich person item
  7. alt z`d right into a ghosthawk with an armed plane. lot comp. many ban.
  8. no, we need to make quilins illegal bc they are better off road than a hunter
  9. THIS THIS THIS THIS i dont give a FUCK about tridents blackfishs dont punish the entire server the only thing that is going to happen is having deputies and pos masturbating when ever they see kids doing legal runs
  10. the only blackfish that is a problem, tho, is the vechile transport. not the y inv
  11. -FREE loadouts -no NLR -spawnpoints near ALL situations -10 hunters if SAPD is on im done debating with you. the apd also has mk-1s also roachs attack *civs* not apd lethals Flashbangs teargas MXM lethals spikestrips
  12. cmdrrex made it what do you expect
  13. from reading your response you are just thick headed and unable to see reason as you have become blind too it. the right choice isnt allways the most obvious one
  14. ahem ghosthawk disabling the rotors, untested but should work. ghosthawk, to the pilot. trailing with scout planes if lost, planes disburse and cover 3 different sections of the map heading in the direction of which the blackfish left have ground units spread out to cover distance for when a scout plane spots the blackfish the blackfish is to the Sapd what a ORCA is to a PO
  15. @DeadPool time to make a poll. #eviction
  16. look for the direction a black fish is going. learn the habits. thats what i did back in the day and hey, it works 80% of the time
  17. i see them atlest once a day. i personally used them alot for plat runs
  18. #bringbackmoob

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DeadPool


      47 minutes ago, zoomzooooooom said:


      im fucking dead

    3. KrispyK



    4. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy


  19. theres a point when arma just doesnt let you do it with the way the map generation is.
  20. the fact that you are going to the lengths of hurting the entire server population over your inability to stop ONE GANG is OUTRAGEOUS
  21. theres about 3 suitable landing spots that does not have 80 rock walls surrounding it.
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