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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. professional response for once? +1 this faction way better
  2. When you look at your teamspeakand see you taking 70% packets

  3. why arnt medics allowed to report illegal activites now? any honest citizen should be expected to report illegal activites.
  4. looking to trade mine for a server 1 house, in dp 24,25 or 23.
  5. il take 2.5 then
  6. i have the 0 20m from airplane on s1 if you want to buy it.
  7. can you do three
  8. dead honest there is no roleplay here anymore. id recommend looking for a whitelist server but if you want to fight this is the place to be
  9. when you pull 3 ghosthawks at bw oof

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KrispyK


      one of the black fishs was a random who wasnt with us and tried to counter

    3. KrispyK


      shrek is love shrek is life

  10. KrispyK

    WTB hunters

  11. both can see into hq. offer
  12. how much does a 2 crat hold? i forget
  13. im not offering money. im just saying what the exchange is. games arnt il give the game rn and let you have keys
  14. 1 mil is worth 3$ so the game is worth 15m
  15. @MartinezRojoman escape from tarkov b
  16. my escape from tarkov account. game is worth 44$
  17. 2 mil if the bid goes higher, let me know. i have a better offer but not worth the current price
  18. offer what you got and what price. il have some money coming in soon
  19. Made me wish I didn't stop playing cop @Papa Cy

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