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Status Replies posted by KrispyK

  1. Being a cop on this server is like wearing a MAGA hat in California

    1. KrispyK


      I dont think 15 year olds should hold a high rank in a m rated game in a high impact role, yes. A 15 year old isnt even allowed to drive lmfao

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  2. Being a cop on this server is like wearing a MAGA hat in California

    1. KrispyK


      It is, what do you think we do when works over? Stare at tv for 8 hours instead?

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  3. Being a cop on this server is like wearing a MAGA hat in California

    1. KrispyK



      When you are giving deputies tests and mom yells at you to finish your homework


    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  4. Being a cop on this server is like wearing a MAGA hat in California

    1. KrispyK


      :bruh: you keep falling for bait, are you a fisherman

      @maxg i dont know you, are you cock rider ?

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  5. Being a cop on this server is like wearing a MAGA hat in California

    1. KrispyK


      Inb4 triggered 15 year old sapd comes in swinging

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  6. Trainwreck because some fucking writers wanted to go write a star wars sequel only good part was my boy ghost getting pet.

  7. Being a cop on this server is like wearing a MAGA hat in California

  8. APD BUFF: removing any cop with a negative kd that doesnt play medic (that shit ruins kd)

    1. KrispyK



      Mans too young to take a elevator on hes own and hes a SGT with a age exception

      mans got me dying


      this retard saying he wants a non toxic convo while he put me on blast in the first comment he made


      Mans too young to take a elevator on hes own and hes a SGT with a age exception

      mans got me dying


      this retard saying he wants a non toxic convo while he put me on blast in the first comment he made


      i also dont get why you would get so offended that i insulted cops like i called your mom a fat pig like lmfao

    2. (See 52 other replies to this status update)

  9. Who has the most content posted

    im going for number 1

  10. APD BUFF: removing any cop with a negative kd that doesnt play medic (that shit ruins kd)

    1. KrispyK


      I love shitposting


      a sapd member is 15


    2. (See 52 other replies to this status update)

  11. APD BUFF: removing any cop with a negative kd that doesnt play medic (that shit ruins kd)

  12. APD BUFF: removing any cop with a negative kd that doesnt play medic (that shit ruins kd)

    1. KrispyK


      Sounds like i touched a nerve and someone got triggered



      Also panda cop was my main faction when i mained this game omegalul

    2. (See 52 other replies to this status update)

  13. APD BUFF: removing any cop with a negative kd that doesnt play medic (that shit ruins kd)

  14. APD BUFF: removing any cop with a negative kd that doesnt play medic (that shit ruins kd)

    1. KrispyK


      Make tazes listed under kills with the script fix

    2. (See 52 other replies to this status update)

  15. bring back civ rep voting residentsleeper


  16. sense we cant milk now can we taze cops again pls

  17. if anyone here can make me a wow fury warrior looped AHK il give you a mill in game

  18. if anyone here can make me a wow fury warrior looped AHK il give you a mill in game

  19. So we get called out for throwing, pull a ton of armored vehicles, and now suddenly APD is OP again....

  20. this is the mods now? didnt even post an ip. LMFAO.  yall are fucking scuffedunknown.png

    1. KrispyK


      the joke was just post the hackers ip then they would stop

      its very minimal 

      joking about it is not commiting a crime or breaking any posted rules

      i did not say "im going to hit x off"

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  21. o7 boys was a good run

  22. o7 boys was a good run

  23. this is the mods now? didnt even post an ip. LMFAO.  yall are fucking scuffedunknown.png

    1. KrispyK


      calm down child

      i got the warning point removed by another staff who even agreed it was obvious satire

      its not like i went around telling people to neck themselves

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  24. this is the mods now? didnt even post an ip. LMFAO.  yall are fucking scuffedunknown.png

    1. KrispyK


      weh weh fe d e r a l crim!!!

      i cant take a joke!! pls baby me

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

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