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Everything posted by N7Zero

  1. ive always had a hard time playing night time due to my shitty monitor but more recently the servers have been shit to the point i have to log out cuz i cant stand the fucking FPS issue this server has, and the fact i have to wait for it to become daytime just hurts my 5Head brain.
  2. i only main SAR so it doesnt bother me that much (solo life)
  3. but not ur skill besides he is banned for a "said" time so.. perfect for him
  4. all u need if u wanna waste ur time.
  5. can confirm i've never been DDOSed when joining @Google's CQC but i was using my university internet so if u did DDOS me ur prob gonna get arresting so enjoy!
  6. when you rage so hard you somehow changed the name of the bookmark..


  7. @Zeuse won. he announced it in status update.
  8. (wish i can do it all day but i dont have too-much-time- on my hands u chump)
  9. Highlighting the comment about Complaining about a comment about a complaint about someone disliking your arma 3 forum rep doesnt do anything except make you look like a too-much-time- on ur hands chump
  10. Commenting about a complaint about someone disliking your arma 3 forum rep doesnt do anything except make you look like a too-much-time- on ur hands chump edit: Oh wait..
  11. N7Zero

    streaming more

  12. touche.. @Peter Long
  13. not really angry, just sick and tired of seeing these threads turn to shit posts and nothing gets done about it. especially when the whole APD force vs @DeadPooL pretty cheap if u ask me.. now looking at the APD roster there is no chance in hell civ faction is gonna compete with the heavily biased APD just the way it goes. im not suprised a lot of Sapd left.. and i dont blame them lol also i didnt smoke today so im a lil anxious
  14. @Peter Long these stats don't mean shit, they never meant shit and never will. you have to look at how much gold is sold by civ and how much gold was seized by the cops. 1) to all the cunts that have done feds n BW knows defending the area is a LOT more easier than escaping WITH the loot. therefore stats showing whether bomb has blown is fucking useless 2) APD usually don't pull Ghawks UNTIL bomb is blown therefore bomb blowing up doesnt mean shit. 3) Back to what you said "THE STACK isn't as bad as you think. There are some feds that have 18 cops, but on average a 4 cop increase isn't bad. " - For all we know those 4 cops could be 4 fucking sgts or higher so in general saying "4 COP increase" doesn't mean shit. 4)(not a feedback but a loophole to this Fed bullshit) idk how fucking smart the APD is but if i was a fucking Sapd i would sit back let the fed bomb blow up, once the gang has the gold in the truck id fucking slam my dick between those wheels clap them cheeks until i SEIZE the gold bars and make the money for myself. Atleast this is the ez method for cops to make money and maybe this is the method they use IDK i dont play this shit game anymore. and @ThatNerdyGuy i have no beef with you but now i swear u have a fucking stupid ego that needs to be fixed. idk if ur a Sapd or not but you are well known in the community and maybe a few cunts will look up to you so act like a good fucking role-model. beside don't go personal on my boy @DeadPooL otherwise shit will go down p.s @DeadPooL this is how feedback is done u monkey boy.
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