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Everything posted by Jendrak

  1. Design stream starting late tomorrow - Starting plasma donation to save up to pay for the car repairs. Bleh :(

  2. Few quick take-aways from a design stand point - - First of all, thank you very much for the kind words. I do what I do for all of you guys! - The current prison WILL be going away. It will be moved to the "baseball diamond" shaped base west of Sofia HQ - The bottom island WILL be a "warzone" that will have several capture and hold points so that gangs have something to fight over. APD will not be allowed to patrol this area at all. The only time they can enter is if they are actively pursuing a criminal BUT they will be KOS the second they go in so they must be aware of the risk. WHAT will be captured and WHAT will be the benefits has yet to be determined. - After watching this and discussing it in my stream, I will be moving the Gun Shops to a more "out of reach" location. They will still be handy, but not in a way that promotes RDMing in town anymore. Personal take-aways - - I completely agree that money is worthless ATM. In my opinion, vehicles/weapons past basic civilian level should be GREATLY increased. Keep this up guys....freaking awesome!
  3. Working overtime: wrecked car = more bills...sigh

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jendrak


      So now I get to shell out a crap ton of cash I don't have to fix it...plus I get to drive a crappy loaner car with no heater because a rental is not in our budget! Yea 20 degree weather and snow forecasted for tomorrow!

    3. DeathDingo


      At least your alright Jendrak!! Come on down to visit Australia mate, it's warmer here :)

    4. ZF_Marbles


      Sucks Bubz :( Happened to me not long ago but the woman was nice enough to leave her details!!

  4. Starting the design stream in 5!

  5. NPC map is now live on server 3. COME TEST!

  6. Welcome Olympus Community. As many of you have noticed, the map that I have been trying to push lately has caused nothing but issues. I apologize for the trouble it has caused all of you. Poseidon has been trying to keep up with the coding that all of you love and I have been a thorn in his side because of the map I was trying to hard to over do. After yet again another failure with the new map yesterday I have taken a step back and decided that Poseidon is right and I need to take it a step at a time. I am going to take his lead and rebuilt the map from the ground up just as he did the code. I am no longer going to use any map editor addons to gain access to objects that are not in the vanilla editor. I am also going to be utilizing more of the map that is already on the static Altis map instead of trying to add more and more objects to the map that just don't need to be there. I am also currently interviewing a replacement for myself as skin designer. This will allow me to focus on more map content on a monthly basis instead of trying to piss of Poseidon and update the map with a fire hose and push out TONS of map updates all at once and cause a troubleshooting nightmare. Starting next week I will be streaming full time during my usual AM schedule while I work on the new map. Come keep me company. Finally - I would like to publicly apologize to Poseidon for trying to start a hissy fit war with him on the public forums. Sorry boss...work, RL, holidays..whatever, just got the best of me and I took it out on your. I LOVE YOU MAN! (not as much as I love Ares, but can you blame me...)
  7. Testing new map on Server 1!!!

  8. +1 - I want to have Wheat's next baby!
  9. Yea the new map will hopefully be tested soon. Poseidon seems to be MIA as of late so I can't get him to test it. As for locations....get ready as Altis has had a major real estate boom recently and everyone has decided to relocated into more consumer friendly buildings/locations. Also, a boat service station has finally opened up in Kavala and Pyrgos bays.
  10. Speaking for myself, I appreciate the kind words. I certainly do everything I do for you guys so it is nice to hear it is loved. #bringsateartomyeye
  11. Just waiting for Poseidon to test out the new map...nothing like it being done for over a month now...

  12. Oh nice that is good to know...looks like now that I finished the map I can actually get in and enjoy the game lol. How is that for a concept!
  13. So...I went to start skinning the Taru from the new Heli DLC and I found out that they are encrypted. 1000000 internets to the person that can tell me how to extract the .ebo files from "Arma 3\Heli\Addons" AND GO!
  14. Omg Gary. I almost spit out my drink in the middle of this meeting when I read that! Lmfao
  15. Thanks for all the kind words everyone. I will be hitting my stream up hardcore starting tomorrow morning so I can get that map redone and out there for you guys. Then I need to harass Poseidon to get the help towing in so I can get my R&R on!
  16. Do you really want to earn another ban on my stream Gary!
  17. Grats bro! Way to kick some butt!
  18. ...I have had many a talk back and forth with my fellow staff members. At this time I have decided that it would best suit my sanity, as well as my commitment to this community, that I step down as an active Administrator. I do this so that I may focus more on what made me help get this server up and running from the very beginning...the love of the design and the love of the community. I am still an active staff member and will always be available to assist in anyway that I can, but keep in mind, that I will no longer have those immediate admin powers that I once wielded. This change will give me a chance to get back into finishing the map so that it may be glorious as it was always promised to be, to fix, design, and redesign skins as needed, and to also revive those unfortunate souls who fall victim in Altis...as well as light up the night sky with Ghosthawk munitions. I want to thank everyone in the community that has made me welcome here, as well as all of those that keep this place a damn awesome place to call my gaming home. You guys keep it all up!
  19. Taking a break from Olympus for a bit...

    1. FluffyWolf


      See you when your back man :)

    2. SPBojo


      jendrak my bby, after reading this i will have to cry myself to sleep... i personally will wait for you to come back jendrak and hug you when you do come back! :( have a nice break jen bby...

  20. Hammer + Computer = no update! Still update? ---> Bigger hammer!
  21. Arma update - not Olympus update.
  22. Why does everyone always comment on my hair!! Seriously...do I need to change my hairstyle? I am starting to get a complex! It is really to give the rich rebels something to do besides harass cadets in Kavala lol. Too much Rebel on Cop these days....we need a reason to bring back Rebel on Rebel loving in my opinion. This zone would not be there to kill people, keep in mind there will be points to capture to give bonuses to the rebels/gangs. (again..details pending)
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