Hello, people.
New features:
Stats, duh
See below
Player stats comparison
Compare your stats with another players stats and see who has the biggest epenis of them all
Most wanted list
Find out who the most wanted players are, and try to claim them
More spying data (players)
Did you know, we spy on what you do? Cool well unlike Facebook you can't opt-out of it, we're gonna know how many bombs you planted and how much meth you sold and there is nothing you can do about it.
Detailed statistics (history)
Same as above, also including annotation of updates/hotfixes so now you can really put facts in your statements when you say "But nobody does oil anymore, wah wah wah".
Updated Time & Money graphs
Your time and money will now be merged into one graph to keep it tidy, money on the left side, time on the right side.
Vigilante Tier
Your vigilante tier will now be shown on the stats page, along with how many arrests you have. Remember this resets if you are arrested, have your license taken away or buy a rebel license.