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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by johnnyracecar

  1. Wait, this the mans that accused me of meta gaming on medic, yikes fellers! He really is brain dead all the way
  2. Pretty sure he means 3 crater since 4 craters have 2900 space.
  3. Let's just turn this DPI up real quick...
  4. *wink wink* XD
  5. #feelsbadman
  6. Definitely switch that 1TB hdd for an ssd. This is the one I have. https://www.amazon.com/Samsung-960-EVO-Internal-MZ-V6E500BW/dp/B01M20VBU7/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1513419902&sr=8-4&keywords=samsung+pcie+ssd
  7. https://gyazo.com/10c73c42f25a5d32c319f3a104848020
  8. Your move! @G.O.A.T.
  9. Bruhhhh
  10. You selling any rook mags?
  11. Say no more fam!
  12. I don't want the skats of Kavala to have access to my countless titans/suicide vests/7.62s.
  13. ACKCHYUALLY, this is my mouse pad... https://gyazo.com/37581f936f961592d0efa686f5b21051
  14. What server tho?
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