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Everything posted by ItsRaineMF

  1. I'm impatient ask my gang but i waited like 8 hours to take my test
  2. Well i do agree under one condition no players are going to want to go to kavala to fight so i would say make kavala castle a smaller fight zone for a less reward but enough to make the room bangers and week black market kids to come and make something for castle up north certain spots around the map are dead so it would be nice to add a little bit of stuff to do around those spots so we can see some of these smaller gangs and bigger but not fighting active gangs pop off and enjoy themselves I was thinking the other day about adding an event at the start of the server within the first 10 minutes or so that will trigger in one area of the map like for points gangs have to take caps in that area of the map and fight other gangs and the winning gang with most points or something gets a reward til restart til it happens again for example winning gang gets 250k 15 warpoints +15% increase cash on illegals sold +25% on legal items sold Access to full rebel store at black markets With the cash and warpoints it will only be rewarded to people on the server in the winning gang at the time
  3. Too bad @Tapatio told me not to do it i thought have sui vested it as we took off haha
  4. Yep was some good times
  5. Due keep in mind 90% of the guns added to arma has been added into olympus and put into their right places Im 100% surr @Ares will look over the guns seeing if they are too overpowered or not and decide to make them warpoint normal buy or blackwater weapon same sutuation as the p90
  6. Ok lets take rebel privlages away from vigi's and give it to cops and let cops roam warzone whenever they want also and make vigi's have a wave rule while removing it from cop. Pretty much make the cops an unstoppable force. Things are made like this to prevent the server from going to shit cops cant raid rebel but vigis can. Vigi also has a nlr for every situation cops don't. You kill that vigi once the you're good for 15 minutes.
  7. Il be fine with warpoints getting removed cops arent considered at war anyways plus people always lead them into warzone to get warpoints and the ghosthawk ruins fights ik the whole dont shoot thing but there are smaller gangs that don't know they wont die if they just dont fire
  8. o7 Ghostface good time playing with you for the short time we did play together
  9. @Eggman @Hadi Mokdad and @Corps are probably the best 3 olympus staff members btw and @Ryan that guy is a champ #notsukindik

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ItsRaineMF


      yeah they just read and never reply 

    3. Ryan



      Also I typically respond to all my messages, and I don’t remember ever getting one from you haha 

    4. ItsRaineMF


      @Ryan ive never sent you one im talking about the other admins

  10. Current offer 1.75mil https://gyazo.com/b052ff6cd5b36e5d827af8bce29ee454
  11. sold house to market go buy it kiddos
  12. Still for sale
  13. Still for sell
  14. https://gyazo.com/2f995285bbcced2062d7afbffd3f695b place offers
  15. still forsell
  16. ItsRaineMF


    o7 my dude Prodigy was a fun asf time enjoyed having you in my gang and on my side to play with hope you do well in ur future <3
  17. https://gyazo.com/e23196a50dd94f8bfc0a795a9da68740 PM me offers
  18. Our attacking push was my push from the God of temper @bunni.
  19. If you saw the plays he made you would understand
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