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Pringle Mccringleberry

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Everything posted by Pringle Mccringleberry

  1. Deputy Potato reporting for Duty Sir!

  2. A nice big pile of taters is a good way to end the day :)

  3. Trying to drive a hatchback sport with my FPS is like building a bookshelf out of mashed potatoes it just dosent work

    1. Deathtripper
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      You've clearly never had me mums best mashed then!

  4. Ah i remember the days of Theycallmepaw good times
  5. If organs were brought back than i would post a video of myself eating a Potato
  6. Lol this guy knows wasup
  7. The same boiling water that softens potatoes hardens eggs. Its all about what your made of not your circumstances-Inspirational Potato quote

  8. My Idea of a great day is a big baked potato and someone to share it with (Virus)....

  9. Vodka is made from Potatoes. Potatoes are Vegetables. Vegetables are good for your health. need i say more!

  10. People are like Potatoes when you eat them they die

  11. Jacob making a post complaining about not getting on the APD wont help your cause if i was you i would play civ a bit more to reach the required hours and then study the APD handbook for a few days so that you may pass your interview.
  12. I think what hes trying to say is he played on this server for 450 hours but prolly not after you guys started the stats thing?
  13. I could be a representative for the great Potato god
  14. Great day spreading the greatness of the potato god

  15. Off to go farm potatoes again! XD

    1. Stix


      I am down lets farm

  16. bojo makes the forums more active in my opinion and for that i thank and congratulate him
  17. When stealth helps you fulfill your dreams<333

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