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Everything posted by Noiseless.

  1. @Proxii I agree with you 100% who the fuck cares about a steam group just let the man run it.
  2. Holy fuck this is the cringyest shit I've ever heard in my life please both of you stop its hurting my brain...
  3. I'm sad woulda bought for 800k
  4. Just look at them they are pretty self explanatory lmao
  5. Made a post like this a long time ago only time will tell boys!
  6. The taxi system should be worked on but this is not the right solution and it's probably very low on the things to get done list...
  7. How much on plat house
  8. BITTT CONNECTTT!! Dont trust this lmao...
  9. Lmao
  10. Mav why you gotta do me like that
  11. Agreed price on dms plox
  12. +1 Thank you just... Thank you
  13. https://imgur.com/a/8fNFN All my hard work trying to create the perfect face, just to turn into a demonic albino man... https://imgur.com/a/yCcId You let me down olympus... Custom faces should be allowed
  14. Can I get a #feelsbadman in chat bois...
  15. Never played elite dangerous but Rust is fun af.
  16. That would be a little overkill xD
  17. Would be a great alternative to black water if you made the prices high enough... Striders, hunters, armed prowlers? EDIT: Anyone else got suggested vehicles?
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