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Senior Map Designer
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Everything posted by Doke

  1. Well this topic has caused quite a stir, I’m just a salty boy at rabid for mar-10 spamming, I could care less about how good of a chief/admin goat was...
  2. Ur profile song is fucking fire

  3. Y’all go ham on any suggestion to nerf sAPD?
  4. HOLY SHIT calm down buddy dont get ur panties in a bunch over a suggestion.
  5. I have a feeling I’ll never get promoted after this but I think it needs to be said. limit the sAPD ‘s use of mar-10’s Ik some sAPD members are actually decent people and only roam this gun but there are a select few cough* cough* rabid cough* cough* that literally use that shit 24/7 My suggestion, make it only available to sergeants ONLY during federal events. Please and thank you.
  6. U want bw mags?
  7. Send Offers via PM Dp22 Houses- * 4 crate *4 crate *2 crate *3 crate ———————————— Frog Houses Dp15 garage and three crater are right next to each other and are in there own compound, closest house to swamp. *3 crate *garage Kalithea *3 crate One of the closest houses to old frog pro —————————— Kavala *4 crate around 70m behind office building, has its own gated compound easy to hide a car behind and great for scatting cops.
  8. what ts channel?
  9. Nerdy go look at computer requests so I can buy a kit and fight
  10. Betttt Do we have to bring our own gear?
  11. Price
  12. How much
  13. Yo how much per 22 2 crater
  14. Ya boy needs a couple things MK1 Tazer bw clothing-csat, vests, helmets I’ll also take other cop tazers from corporals or higher.
  15. Rules regarding hostage situations are kinda dumb. For example if you kidnap an APD and try to do a hostage situation with them the police can simple ignore your request and then stout can’t do anything with them... you can’t rob them because the rules say if you tried to do a hostage situation you aren't allowed to rob them... I feel that if police decide to ignore your request for a negotiator then you should be able to do anything you want with the hostages as if you never attempted to do a hostage situation with them.
  16. Put offers here.
  17. I got an armed prowler if ur interested
  18. What u want for the DMS?
  19. Doke

    WTS DMS + Zafir

    What do you want for the DMS?
  21. Doke

    totally should look at msg i sent you 

  22. Doke

    WTS mxm tazer

    HMU with offers.
  23. I have 3 houses 1 4 crate 2 3crate and a garage for sale respond with offers.
  24. yuy/
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