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Everything posted by 1thedoc

  1. o7 Olympus it was a good run

  2.  best stream 2019 


  3. what is RP 



  4. 1thedoc

    40m bet

    do it
  5. 1thedoc

    20m bet

    I'm going to regret this but I'll do the 20mil with you
  6. so ducky the female condom
  7. Henlo gamers we are here to make a team for the csgo tournament named tasty wasty cummey wummeys we are prepared to clap everyone's cheeks so let us know if you are interested we currently have 4 people.
  8. o7 I'm going to miss you bud
  9. can we PLEASE get the downvote button back for stuff like this
  10. 1thedoc


  11. does this mean I can use a macro ?
  12. does anyone have stardew Valley and wants to start a farm with me

  13. I will be reapplying on the 7th and hopefully with luck I'll get it this time
  14. to much RP!!!! 



  15. best streamer in the world 


  16. congratulations on sergeant BTW and no the server is not dying it's just that there time to leave
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