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El Chopo

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Everything posted by El Chopo

  1. Ryan is the coolest man ever! like this one time he gave me a pimp ass custom paint job for the m900 and i tell you want that bitch sent me pussy rate skyy high! couldnt keep the hoe's out the chopper this is and always will be me fav altis life server!!
  2. El Chopo


  3. 1.5 for all the suppressors
  4. sold
  5. price drop to 4mill Price drop 3mill
  6. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198125161360/screens 4.5 mill 4 Crater Kalitha 1.5km from frog pro 2.7km from athria drug dealer
  7. IF SOME one wants it im tryn sell asap for 3.5
  8. Its listed for 5.5mill
  9. 3 CRATER FOR SALE IN KALITHA!!! Hit me with an offer! Thanks
  10. 100k
  11. I got the location of at least 2 houses. I'll give em up for 800k. I'll message u when I'm online to talk about the details
  12. What dp you looking for ?
  13. 1.99$
  14. Anyone interested in a frog house 1km from pro?
  15. 4mill
  16. How much storage do they have? Where are they at ?
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