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Senior Civilian Council
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Everything posted by monster

  1. Okay Boomer, find me the closest box tv store.

  2. Hahahaha monster and apd will never happen, I'll stick to vigi
  3. tf when 9mm can clap a hummingbird
  4. gotta make do with what you get big man, bfo still controlling weed even as a 2 player gang basically
  5. say again? @Skys @Mason Harrison
  6. Anyone tryna play rustafied eu odd jr hmu

  7. thicker than a snicker

    heavy like chevy

  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A7fONF9f9Y
  9. iCE is just the staff team irl change my mind

    1. Edweirdo


      ICE actually does their job

  10. less than 100k is left from his 150mil
  11. already took most of it.
  12. more like next time i get bored of rust and anzus. came back 2 weeks after the first one but olympus is just dead rn
  13. if you say hands upor die its fail initiation you have to say hands up or be fired upon, also if you call someone a retard and there offended its a ban its fun but its rules are scuffed
  14. Im a gorilla please use correct terminology
  15. Honestly servers gone to shit, can't even motivate myself to log in never mind the fact that when i do get on i either get rdm'd on spawn or i just waste i bunch of money get bored and log off BFO, xvideos, and Dynasty were the only fun gangs i was ever in. l8r @Skys no need to @ you since im gonna main anzus with you but might as well, you were a good nigga @codeYeTi just buy olympus already @Mason Harrison same as skys but you were and always will be the most aids nigga ive ever met @Tb:) the last time i had fun on olympus was with you, stop being inactive and just ban evade again @Xlax maybe if you stop getting permed for scripting you wont have to uninstall arma @Ryan honestly a good owner but not a @McDili or @Peter Long owner, thx 4 unperming me ? @BFO @Dynasty @xvideos Had a lot of fun playing with yall and had a lot of fun co owning and snaking gang funds from xvideos every 2 hours @Anyone i fucked over in this community, most of it was a stupid mistake that i should have never done but what happens happens, and i got what came to me from all of you @Cooper:P Coopy i free fired a titan missle at a medic so thats why its missing time to go play a server where you can literally get banned for calling someone a retard and saying "or die" is fail initiation l8r
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