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Geralt of Rivia

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Everything posted by Geralt of Rivia

  1. PUBG died when they tried copying fortnite. That's why I uninstalled it.
  2. "That same pattern of "everything PUBG can do, Fortnite does better" rings true for player concurrency. Fortnite hosted over 2 million concurrent players in January, eventually ballooning to an impressive 3.4 million the following month. As of this writing, those are the most recent numbers Epic's given out." -PC Gamer Magazine
  3. Welcome back
  4. CS:GO Surf?
  5. I would have liked to see Olympus make a server on another game, but I knew Malden wasn't going to last before it even started. I was really hoping I would be wrong.
  6. How many Civ Reps have there been?
  7. You need a "Retired Civ Rep" tag mate
  8. You were a great civ rep tbh o7 to your CR tag on the forums and TS
  9. Is it weird that I’m a Vigi and I hate vigi’s. Only reason I became one was because I was tired of jail.
  10. What state if you don’t mind me asking?
  11. So, you’re a real police officer and you RP as a police officer on Arma. You must really love your job lol
  12. I wasn't promoting my stream. That's an old clip. Why would I use someone's death for my own personal benefit?
  13. That's not what I was doing.
  14. I know that we're blacklist brothers, but my R&R appeal is pending and I'm unblacklisted from the APD on September 1st ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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