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Tammy last won the day on September 8 2020

Tammy had the most liked content!

About Tammy

  • Birthday 09/06/1996

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2653 profile views

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Willing to sell in bulk at lower price. DM on discord Tammy#1756
  2. i heard you got a dick, but that doesnt matter to me 🥰

  3. Follow the video I linked. Works every time I have a battleye issue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSD_XVxEe1g
  4. Sid

    There's a love letter in your mailbox 😉

  5. Remove NLR within city limits and decrease the NLR timer to 5-10 minutes outside cities.
  6. @Tr_Revenge, I am not an admin nor have I ever told you such. I have a nasty habit of super jumping which can be against the rules if used to gain an advantage in a combat situation. What saddens me Revenge is we used to be good friends. We spent hours together in Kavala. You taught me a little bit of Turkish and we shared moments like this. https://streamable.com/hkkcmr The sheer enjoyment in your voice is something I will always remember. I hope when you come back we can be friends again because you are a fun person to be around.
  7. 700k for the MX SW?
  8. 15m for mar10 sup
  9. Tammy


  10. He sold grandma garys house on S1 for ~170m
  11. Listed for 8.75m
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