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OC | Christian

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Everything posted by OC | Christian

  1. when major pain DC's after you win an 11m trust bet :o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danger
    3. Dolphy


      bet me 25 mil 

    4. Ravin


      bet dolphy hes been asking for so long xd


  2. update update, got new mobo, and a new cpu (i7 9700k). Just got them installed testing game tonight - already noticed a huge fps jump in other games because that 2920x really wasnt a cpu meant for gaming. I ended up throwing that into a stream pc for encoding and running a bunch of tasks / windows
  3. Congrats to @Plumberfor surviving another year of life! far more than we expected :pog:

    1. Plumber


      Thanks my dude. We'll see if I can go another year 

  4. Well im seeing more issues with my performance in other games such as ForkKnife - i get the same if not less fps than i friends with a 1060 and mid range i7 cpus, maybe this cpu just REALLY isnt meant for gaming? Looking into buying a new i9 9900k and new mobo to avoid these issues all together (arma and other games)
  5. basically all mid range settings so like standard average, at 1920x1080 res - I went into arma launcher and did all the basic things, allocated 20gb of ram to the game (more than i assume it will ever need), all 12 cores from cpu and all of my GPU VRam to it aswell. hmmm maybe i swap back and get the i9 instead, but would have to replace MOBO too ;-; shh
  6. What pc specs : fps on the server do y’all get? i just upgraded my pc and still can’t get over 40fps on the server, even with a beefier cpu my specs: AMD 2920x 12 core threadripper MSI RTX 2080 gigabyte x399 AORUS Pro Nzxt Kraken x62 280mm 64gb DDR4 viper 3600mgz ram 8x8GB sticks) 3tb Samsung SSD (1x1TB 1x2TB) 250gb Samsung m.2 970 evo series 1000watt EVGA Idk if I’m missing something or is this game really that badly optimized
  7. looking for a mar 10 and a DMS want a taser and a lethal post your price
  8. I would be immensely shocked if the admins didn't plan on a rollback. Yes, even if they spent the days, weeks, or months taking back Money, WPs, and stuff bought with either ~ that doesn't undo the stuff they use or lose in the meantime. Imagine the next potentially month of people just busying and blowing suicide vests since they have 2 billion dollars and limited time to blow it. (all tho this defiantly doesn't happen, and "Lamps" are never sold Imagine the amount of scammed players being sold hacked money. Then (although not allowed by staff) go complaining to staff / Bohemia more so than might already happen.
  9. 2.5?
  10. might buy both, dm me a pic of kav house
  11. idk you but o7
  12. Not gonna lie the only thing I do on civ anymore is bet, so this would be cool. (The capturing cartel idea would be awesome) but I can see how this would all be very resource intensive. But on a real note, who does salt or iron anymore? Would getting rid of one even it out enough to add a new gambling script?
  13. I mean I know this is late but I might aswell leave it here
  14. Looking for mar 10s. lethal, or taser. Post what you have and name your price.
  15. Name your price
  16. Post screenshots and prices of any close to square kav houses, server 1 or 2.
  17. HoW MucH foR tHe MxSw?
  18. i can smell so much beef on this profile

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