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Everything posted by Shiv1

  1. u a fucking hater bro 

  2. Shiv1


    smh my dood Africa a jokester he he was in prision shooting the shit with other prisoners and they perma banned him for some bullshit he said.
  3. we bring the heat dont try us
  4. -rep never got corp 

    1. CHEESE1



  5. dumbass africa got banned for no reason cause when he quit playing he lied to admin as a meme. But ya if africa get unban, YUNG MENS OF ALTIS 4 will be MADE.
  6. -rep and 07 ----- we fight for years for his corp and when he finally get it he fail test GG @Africa 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Homicide


      Naw hell naw im good Falcon and i woked it out and he said that it wasent counting towards promotions or anything that basically like it never happened

    3. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      Homicide for LT 2K18

    4. J O E

      J O E

      You have to be brain dead yo fail a corp test xD

  7. - rep This guy is a pathetic lozer, NEVER Trade with him he scammed me, and he bully people online cause he get bullied irl, idk how this idiot got support team, on thing he support is bofa 

    1. Africa


      I agree stupid mans like him no support team support loser I think he get

    2. Ang3l


      Dont talk about my father like that

    3. Blitzking


      Ya I've never traded with you or talked to you in over a month lol. 

  8. @Blitzking dont say goblin roach will come out of gutter
  9. @Africa SO..... scumbag... HA!!!!!!!!!!!!! we gotcha.... jupiter police gonna be all over ya.... and when they are done with ya ill send my boys ---- @panera @mustash @homicide---- to getcha. your dead mose meat. https://gyazo.com/b6047a945ca3b9364c3867f510dd06f5
  10. An in-depth analysis of "Boonk" from "Boonk Gang" by Shiv

    Building a social media empire of over five million people is an extraordinary accomplishment that few people in this world can claim. Doing this all off stealing trays of donuts and walking behind the counters of McDonalds is unheard of. Yet this is exactly the story of how a man named “Boonk” became a social media influencer and established an infamous petty crime syndicate known as “Boonk Gang”, becoming the group’s de facto leader. Boonk has changed the way people look at social media, highlighting the dark side of modern social media by putting upfront the lengths and risk people take to make it big online. Boonk has been arrested numerous times and been in huge amounts of controversies for his actions. In the eyes of many he is a desperate wannabe, while in others he is a hilarious comedian, even role model. It can be estimated that Boonk has made serval thousands of dollars from social media, with advertisements, promotions, and even his own rap music. Yet as Boonk’s latest appearance on the podcast “No Jumper”, hosted by Adam 22, shows how Boonk has had adverse side effects to his fame and prosperity. Boonk explains in the podcast about how he abuses narcotics, and about how he lives for today, not tomorrow. Boonk also details about how he deals with anxiety and has to see a psychiatrist weekly. Boonks story showcase the ups and downs of social media, how it can be used to promote yourself not only for good, but also for bad. How it can make a person rich but can steal all from the mentality. Boonks transformation from a young kid, to a face tatted, drug consuming, criminal is an extremely sad situation. Yet his attempts to get sober and fix his act show that there is still hope, and we all pray this is case.

  11. 3 mill for the one your in.
  12. my new MOvie 



  13. pic on map? and how much u want
  14. -rep toxic dislikes all my post for no reason 

  15. u guys were trying to act smart and ended up getting fucked thats it. leave it at that
  16. yeah these @PE7E and @Vac. are retards what can i say
  17. what sever , if server 1 i will offer 3mill
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