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teckub aka bucket

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teckub aka bucket last won the day on November 6 2014

teckub aka bucket had the most liked content!


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  1. So nice to see player opinion's although I'm surprised so see this post. Perhaps Ace was in a hurry again this his his opinion not fact.
  2. why is it when you are eating late at night and these darn Medical comercials come up, and they love to mention yes im sure its from the Layers point "sleepiness, nervousness, insomnia, dizziness, nausea, skin rash, headache, diarrhea, upset stomach, loss of appetite, abnormal ejaculation, dry mouth, and weight loss etc etc

  3. i love it regardless of drama yes things can change so far i have died over 142 times and killed 16 i have 58k in my bank and still love this community
  4. Father passed "pancreatic cancer"61 2012 His wife Step ma passed very close to me in 2013 from "Cardiac" she was 60 and my mother passed in 2011 OD age 51, reasons why I share this is to show you are not alone and when I get my SSI check I can send you 20bux in slow mail since I don't have CC card..I will talk to you to get the mailing latter..in the mean time read this to her out loud if you wish this helps.. last five chapters of Psalms read out loud to those in need.
  5. "Rememberd the song forgot about around year or so "Emalkay - When I Look At You "

  6. bawls! had sixteen msgs to have me comp or ban over a pdw
  7. I hear ya haha cops are now off duty from civ's from burban...lawlz Funny
  8. Goodbye R&R see you next year.....

  9. Your're fired NUFF SAID
  10. Thank yout for taking the time to give me a chance to work with the R&R community, if anything you have inspired me to learn how to build in arma 3 map editor. Here is a video hope you enjoy anything with explostions always brings a smile on my face. Till we meet again friend. tekcub
  11. to fix set option config video aa&pp set "depth of field at 0"
  12. I dont know if its been busy or lack of APD . I know Thanks Giving is coming close but when I had ask eight times about needing help from higher up I and others get "Not right now, just handle it ." then i get screwed for not know what to do. Example: Civ opens closes the gate blocking spawn in HQ. I have done charge them twice and let higher up we go wild one in hq. Is there anyway if there is three attempts to deal with this situation on are own from Cadet and Constable perspecticve because Corp's are moslty in Helis . After two times if the Civ acting up send straight to Jail?
  13. Come home safe mate so we can catch some more crooks.
  14. Please for the love of this game ban this trash player xXSettleXx comes in for few min and shouts screams his head off, I have CHF and when playing the game I kinda know where sound is coming from but when someone comes into private and locked channels screams his head off scares the crap out of me and my kitty. Here is example of his bouncing around. <20:07:22> Trying to resolve hostname olympus.ts.nfoservers.com <20:07:24> Trying to connect to server on olympus.ts.nfoservers.com <20:07:33> Welcome to Olympus Entertainments <20:07:33> Welcome to the Olympus teamspeak! Check out our website HERE! <20:07:52> Connected to Server: "Olympus Entertainment" <20:07:53> "Buck" left heading to channel "R&R-Only [On Duty]" <20:08:00> "Buck" switched from channel "R&R-Only [On Duty]" to "Kavala" <20:08:00> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Buck" by "Olympus Entertainment". <20:08:17> "[xXSettleXx] xXSettleXx" switched from channel "Group #15" to "Group #16" <20:08:17> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "[xXSettleXx] xXSettleXx" by "Olympus Entertainment". <20:08:22> "PoLaRBe4r" connected to channel "Lobby" <20:08:22> "Jamez" switched from channel "Group #15" to "Group #16" <20:08:22> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Jamez" by "Olympus Entertainment". <20:08:29> "CuzzICann" connected to channel "Lobby" <20:08:32> "CuzzICann" switched from channel "Lobby" to "Group #1" <20:08:32> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "CuzzICann" by "Olympus Entertainment". <20:08:35> "[xXSettleXx] xXSettleXx" switched from channel "Group #16" to "APD Whitelist Applicants: [OPEN]" <20:08:35> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "[xXSettleXx] xXSettleXx" by "Olympus Entertainment". <20:08:38> "Jamez" switched from channel "Group #16" to "APD Whitelist Applicants: [OPEN]" <20:08:38> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Jamez" by "Olympus Entertainment". <20:08:42> "PoLaRBe4r" switched from channel "Lobby" to "R&R Coffee Break Lounge (NOT AFK ROOM)" <20:08:42> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "PoLaRBe4r" by "Olympus Entertainment". <20:09:09> "maeniak" disconnected (leaving) <20:09:12> "CuzzICann" disconnected (leaving) <20:09:26> "Jamez" switched from channel "APD Whitelist Applicants: [OPEN]" to "Unit #1" <20:09:26> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Jamez" by "Olympus Entertainment". <20:09:27> "[xXSettleXx] xXSettleXx" switched from channel "APD Whitelist Applicants: [OPEN]" to "Unit #1" <20:09:27> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "[xXSettleXx] xXSettleXx" by "Olympus Entertainment". <20:10:22> "[xXSettleXx] xXSettleXx" was kicked from channel "Unit #1" by "DubZ" <20:10:22> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "[xXSettleXx] xXSettleXx" by "Olympus Entertainment". <20:10:28> Channel "Unit #1" was edited by "DubZ" <20:10:29> "Jamez" was kicked from channel "Unit #1" by "Kyle" <20:10:29> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Jamez" by "Olympus Entertainment". <20:10:41> "Ace" left heading to channel "Ace's Wonder Room" <20:10:45> "Jamez" disconnected (leaving) <20:10:47> "[xXSettleXx] xXSettleXx" disconnected (leaving)
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