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Everything posted by BigFella

  1. So what about @Strafes perm "Lagswitching / event disruption" ban. Will this apply to him as well. Because if your allowing these as moob said bottom of the barrel people to have a second chance why couldent he
  2. @Peter Long Happy birthday. Now unban strafe please.

  3. cya moob i gave you like 1.3 mill in moonshine a week before my perm and thats when i truly met you and had a blast with you. I also remember probably a month after tanoa came out me you and some other mc members all bought aks and turbans took a cop and vigi hostage got rdmed twice and did a awful terror. Alot of fun and good times with you moob hmu on steam sometime. 07 -Strafe
  4. Even after a mass unban im still sittin over here beaned :FeelsBad:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iPopsicle


      Last time I checked one person's perm ban was lifted?



    3. Homicide


      Yea i figured the rumors were untrue just commenting on what i heard 

    4. J O E
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