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Everything posted by mohsen98

  1. i have benana you wan it _l_ ? It's so delicious
  2. if that hapend all vigis Coming to warzone only to lethal you whit po7 and get your bounty thay dont need to send you to jail or Read your charges and that Destroy cartel life
  3. if you not enough to fight just do potato run if you fight cartels You must be ready for everything vigis part of game and make game fun so you say { orca full of vigis drops on me}whay you dont fire titan ? if your gang not big enough dont come and say vigis are .........
  4. first i like your profile picture lets have Threesome you are so sweet Second There is no reason to remove thay should improve it

    I think you are LIKE that


    1. Robinhood


      So you'd rather bag on a challenge rather than earning the privilege to make loads of money? Being a vigilante is too easy and changing the role needs to be done. 

  6. remove Prisonis Garage and bloodbags for vigis hah
  7. great Update love it deputies only have a pistol
  8. no it suks
  9. Vigis: @Robinhood @ChubbyElf @Tyrone @Grego Blood bags added to vigi outposts Tier 1 Vigi to 15 arrests, no vigi vest Tier 2 Vigi to 30 arrests, reduce payout to 75% access to vigi vest Tier 3 Vigi to 75 arrests (spar 16) 90% Buddy system for Vigi's to split bounties. all of you suks _l_Stupid idea Stupid idea Stupid idea just shoot cops and lose 75 arast reatrds
  10. _l_
  11. you can use Fraps
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