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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Hoonter

  1. If you guys want we can deny you like RnR does for lack of narrative? Sure @Pledge would be down to rework the system so you guys can write a 3 paragraph report why you want this position of deputy
  2. A staff meeting from 5 and 1/2 months ago...
  3. "Feds: Blackwater vehicle crafting Adding a few more deer stands to Blackwater" This was the exact quote from the post from the 23rd of December. From insider sources I heard it wasn't even on the trello it seems like quite a change to not bring up to anybody outside a select few before implementations?
  4. So why was it implemented did you not think to consult people about it prior to the change? That maybe people should have a conversation about the change before you "Sneak" it in.
  5. Would you rather have Rex coup you again or downvotes?
  6. Just finished endgame 10/10

  7. I'm retarded got the ADR and asp confused...
  8. Hoonter


  9. Before you upvote my posts, please read through the whole thread discussion for Lenin's sake...half the time I say something controversial and end up enemies with everyone in the end.

    Please be disrespectul...spread some hate.

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      Sorry for offending your Leninist beliefs.

  10. Now sense bolt cutting is considered a Hostile action would breaking into houses through windows key for APD also be considered a Hostile action?
  11. Anyone down for civ 5 tonight?

    1. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      Can I play as Oman?

  12. 50k
  13. Could you define professional and what it means to you and were you see members of our sAPD lacking?
  14. Take mouse move it downward as you shoot ez seya next month
  15. 5.1. Medics are only permitted to call the APD for Assistance when threats or direct hostile action has been taken against them. Medics may then relay pertinent details to the APD. Ex: General Location, Vehicles, Weapons, Number of Assailants, etc. 5.2 EMT rank is the only rank authorized to call the APD for the sole purpose of an Escort into a red zone without threats Thank you for showing @RDyer216 this part of the handbook
  16. That's not true read you're handbook
  17. Well you said the only time medics should call APD is for feds which is wrong plenty of other situation s you could contact APD during
  18. You don't even know you're own rules imagine being a Senior RnR member maybe you should read you're own handbook before commenting on another factions...
  19. Civ 5 at 9 est with me and some of the sAPD all dlc's let me know if you want to come

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      Is Cambodia a nation I can choose?

    3. Viper


      doesnt even have civ 6 gg

    4. Millennium


      33 minutes ago, Viper said:

      doesnt even have civ 6 gg

      Civ 5 is way better

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