Recently using the RPK, I've noticed that the pricing for ammunution of the gun is wayyy too much.
10 mags for 150k, where the gun already cost that of a full type 115 loudout.
The magazines should be lowered to 5-10k, not 15k. The mark 200 magazines are 5k and they hold 200 bullets.
Taking into account vest and backpack and all y inventory, the loadout for an rpk comes out to about 400k, double the price of an mk1 loadout.
One thing you don't see is a variety of weapons being used. Unless your an rp'er, your using a promet, a type, mk1, or mk18. It would be cool to see changes to weapons that we can control such as prices, to make it so people are using different weapons. You rarely see anyone using an rpk, the meta weapon has been and still is a mk1, but it would be cool to see a different variety of weapons being used.