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Everything posted by sinister_

  1. Tupac shakur- Money Over Bitches. and once again you're wrong, Tree was reformed last night and everyone is back in it. Mang
  2. Mob had nothing do with tree or bringing it back, and idc that jaeger took 20m lol he was the leader. And I didn't "disband" tree because he took the money I temporarily put the tree to rest because I had help jaeger build tree into what it once was and when he left I felt like tree had to leave with him. I acted out of anger and frustration. So before you going barking up the wrong tree, get the facts straight "mang". I'm talking about the remaining 45m of Tree funds that was stolen by Ray Ray. Of course tree will never be the same without jaeger. But at the end of the day like I said it's the bonds and friendships that were made and held onto that make Tree worth it again. Fuck the gang funds that's easy to get back, it's the friends we care about. "Mang" Rip rayray
  3. It was just a prank guys, Tree isn't dead. But the gang funds actually did get stolen, which is easily replaceable. At least the people who stayed true to the bonds and friendships made in Tree stuck around through MoB and are still here for the re-awakening of Tree.
  4. MoB Fam. That's why ME FAM. MOB FAM. Clearly wasn't so Great
  5. dude I loved it haha when you pointed that out this morning I got a good laugh out of it
  6. at least i get kills.... sorry thomas good attempt
  7. what? delusional children these days. who might you be, bud?
  8. mostly tree and os? hmm pretty sure MC has the same numbers as Tree, go back to kindergarten. Maybe you'll actually acquire some type of logic. holy shit you still exist? thought you got pushed off this server because no one wanted you
  9. This proves how dumb you really are lol, i see 2 Tree, 2 MC, 4 OS, 1 random and 1 potato farmer..... please be smarter before you type nonsense.....
    1. big niko
    2. Ham


      I don't see why some people felt the need to be toxic in the post, or any post.

    3. sinister_


      immature kids is all, but McDili took care of the toxicity by locking it


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sinister_


      much salt Josh? especially after i shot down 2 ghosthawks right after this? :)

    3. sinister_


      okay salty mcsaltsalt

    4. JPost


      Nice Easy Button Togs

  11. Such a great, fun gang wars!! Thank you staff!! GG too all participating gangs and @Peter Long and @McDili thanks for the amazing commentary after my nade kills haha, just re-watched the fight!!! Look forward to the next one.


  12. Couldn't be anymore proud to be a Tree member, ALL HAIL THE GREAT TREE.

  13. The Great Tree being grown in Jaegers Pants. (yes this is the leader of Tree)



    1. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      I was a young man back then... The Tree has grown much Larger since then. 

  14. Damn!!! Not MOOSEEEEE!!! It's been fun getting to know you and to fight against you. Especially post wipe when you would be on Cop. I'll never forget how drunk you were that night (on stream) while fighting us at Cocaine processing. You one tapped tazed me, and when I came too I 1 tapped you. LOL great times and fun memories. Much love bro and good luck
  15. Fun Gang War for sure!! Thanks to all Tree members for keeping their cool until the end and coming out Victorious!! Can't wait until the next war.

  16. Best news I heard all day on my Birthday!! Gang Wars?!? Best believe [Tree] members will be there !!


    1. Peter Long
    2. Orgondo


      Waiting on final words from members before we post a roster. You'll have it by tonight or tomorrow.

  17. So a fucking 1 year or older tradition is coming to and end because a few select people don't like it? That's pathetic. Our sacrifices have always been very well RP'd besides maybe 1 incident where it was a new member to Tree and they got their asses ripped by higher members. It would be easier to use them as Hostages in hostage situations if cops actually RP'd the situation out and not just say "Hostage situation has failed" and then try to take down the hostage takers. You guys ask for good RP and that's what are damn sacrifices are all about. Our sacrifices have been pretty good to the point where we've had people actually contact us asking us to sacrifice them!!! The Great Mother Tree will not be very pleased without the blood of her offerings.... ALL HAIL THE GREAT TREE.
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