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Everything posted by Airborne

  1. One must do peaches until one can afford a box truck. Then one must use said box truck for peaches.
  2. Not enough rdm -1
  3. hello?
  4. 200,000,000 on isms
  5. Enter
  6. I heard 10k or less from a VERY RELIABLE SOURCE imo a server in a dying game isnt worth as much as people are saying if anything the website is worth more.
  7. How much did you underclock .1 ghz? This didn't solve the issue No matter where I am it happens around every 20 seconds
  8. I already am
  9. i5 4690k
  10. So I have a problem that only occurs when I play arma and its not just on olympus. I get massive frame drops that ruin the experience. I usually have between 50 - 70 and then all of a sudden it drops to 1 - 5 for about 3 seconds which is very tedious. Does anyone know of a fix for this?
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