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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Corps

  1. Corps


    I have gained more respect for you now Rossco this song is also now stuck in my head
  2. What mon5t3r said
  3. Hit up that salvage for an easier time without being attacked as frequently
  4. Corps


    Welcome to the Olympus cul.. server
  5. Welcome to the community boyo
  6. Do medics have the permission to also KOS Kyle even whilst on duty?
  7. When you make a post expressing your frustration, yet combat logs and gets blasted in the post
  8. Corps


    Took the words right out my mouth!
  9. Dear god. I believe my eyes are broken due to the quality of this image. I’m pretty sure one of those guys play in windowed as well?
  10. Medics tend to be addicted to gambling. My advice, stand clear of the foresaken addiction.
  11. Not to mention if you’re a good pilot you can do damage with the plane how it is now. I was on cop in war zone and one plane managed to kill 4 of us in two armed Jeeps. It’s all about how you play.
  12. Welp APD is gonna hate Kavala more and more now
  13. +1
  14. Corps

    WTS armed quilin

    Thats enough for five McChickens
  15. Corps

    WTS armed quilin

    oh yeah.. $5
  16. You will be missed @draMa, but don’t worry @Prime and I will keep the top 5 revive train going. o7
  17. Look, I’m not sure what you think the staff does in their free time but I can assure you people don’t get banned just because the staff is bored. There is proof that showed you exploiting, and I’m sure the one whom RDMed you will be banned, as long as you followed proper protocol. Stop blaming staff for everything.
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