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Everything posted by Wolffe

  1. nah, but I am logging free tickets
  2. 2 wrongs don't make a right. If you ever feel like someone has broken a rule you should dispute them and file a player report. Shouldn't take matters into your own hands
  3. Shamelessly plugging your own wiki page
  4. Its a regular MXGL not a 3GL- Doke
  5. She's just big boned She's not actually that fat, just when she lays down she basically spreads out all her fat This is the fat one
  6. My favorite is fix Deathstroke mask name
  7. Good thing there wasn't a photo, or it'd never get done Love you pookie
  8. 2nd time voting for Trump. Barely missed the first election. Oh he'll stop wars alright, don't you worry about that
  9. Sure be nice to get at least one touchdown against Georgia 

  10. I've owned 2 sets of the HyperX clouds, I and Ii. Both have been real solid, the I's lasted me about 6 years until the headband started flaking
  11. I'm at 0 bans
  12. Congratulations to @ Angela  on finally earning her wings. Only took her 180 hours

    1. Angela


      Thankyou I'm no longer a basic bitch !!! Hahah 

    2. syndrome


      holy fucking incel

  13. https://imgur.com/a/XwOj3uI
  14. Thanks for breaking the stats page @ Milo

    1. Milo


      What's broken?

    2. Wolffe


      it works now. It was just a white page for us earlier

  15. WVU's new uniforms kinda dope

    1. Tman15tmb


      You talking about West Virginia? I saw their new coal rush uniform is pretty sick.

    2. Wolffe
  16. RIP my man OJ. He was a national treasure. To commemorate his long life of 76 years, I would like to encourage everyone to only drive white offroads

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. N9ne


      He can finally rest easy knowing that his wife’s killer is dead

    3. batGooseCan


      We do not stand with @ nicole

    4. stayclaxxy


      he is looking up as us frfr

  17. Someone check up on the birthday boy @ Xlax


    1. Xlax


      I honestly don't even remember saying this, I was hammered

  18. Trust me, I'm an alcoholic with a fucked up liver
  19. Get some Wild Turkey
  20. That wasn't 5 seconds
  21. I second the people saying invest in the market, but do have something to add to it. Try and find stocks to pay out dividends frequently and the reinvest that money back into the stock
  22. Wolffe


    But who will flight certify @ Angela now?
  23. @ Soverign Doing God's work as always
  24. Is this FOX news
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