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Everything posted by SQUIDWARD

  1. its still aids you push in an ifrit expecting to fight one group of people but instead theres double the people u expected -1 i hate this idea
  2. It's honestly aids when like 2 dif gangs with dif tags fight together part of the reason why I stopped playing just inv them to gang or dont fight
  3. still, see the balance
  4. well APD has access to orcas and a blackfish is 700k jet is like 5 mil see the balance they're trying to do?
  5. your so fucking stupid try driving a hatchback or quilin after a blackfish lmk how it goes and either way since they go 400 km/h it balances that theyre illegal
  6. yes its so easy following a plane that goes 400km/h in a shitty paper car


    i can sell like 5 csats 80k per csat
  8. *leaves gang* *joins Trident* *gets kicked out of trident* *tries to join our gang back* i wouldnt talk if i were you
  9. fighting with friends is fun
  10. shut up cumstain lookin sweat stain havin ass
  11. I've been playing this game for a while now really enjoying it but recently been feeling like its more of a chore to get on and play. Been on olympus for a very short time but my short time here was well spent and fun. I might come back if gang life comes back but until then peace! Not gonna do tags but you know who u are
  12. -TI- Fernando x Dua Lipa PERM Exploit jk ily
  13. Do y'all think people who were kicked out of or only a trial in it should list it as their past gangs? Imo its kinda tilting.
  14. Do y'all think people whi were kicked out of or only a trial in it should list it as their past gangs? Imo its kinda tilting.
  15. i feel like war point vehicles should be limited to rebel vehicles that can be bought from car shop like an ifrit 50 war points for an ifrit is not a bad idea imo it would increase the amount of ifrits used in my case at least, But it should be limited.
  16. u guys start capping at the worst times were always busy doing something well most of the time i think
  17. i thought i got permed for a sec lmao
  18. ye servers are rlly fkn slow
  19. 6/2(1+2) PEMDAS (1+2)= 3 2 x 3= 6 6 / 6 = 1 Getcho math up youngins
  20. o7 I guess was fun In -sM- youll get through it trust me
  21. Time to mass produce the ni...ice people to combat the great depression
  22. +1 u kill 5 cops saving a guy and they spawn behind u and insta tase u
  23. You sound like a fat 40 yr old virgin who smokes 20 a day And ur mom gay
  24. got up to 208 war points msg me if u want some shit
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