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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. BLTN in 30 mins. We will be discussing the new wasteland server, a potential koth server & more.

  2. It's that time for another BLTN podcast. Who wants to be our 2 guests tonight?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Odin


      PSH. I see how it is.

    3. Warfare


      I have no clue what the topics are going to be. Need to check out the suggestion thread.

    4. Snake



  3. I mean if it was dark and your lights weren't on that's a valid ticket. I do it all the time regardless of who it is.
  4. No set times are in place but my general rule is if street lights are on so are your car lights.
  5. Olympus Wasteland HYPE

  6. If I switch to Hitbox does BLTN switch to hitbox?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. wrice4


      What does hitbox have that twitch doesn't?

    3. Jorbis


      Check out Wheatking's post on hitbox:

    4. Warfare


      If I switched to Hitbox I would get virtually no delay, subscription system, ad revenue, and better support.

      It also has a smaller community so getting viewership might not be as hard.

  7. I've considered making the switch to. I'm sure the switch is easier if you are someone that doesn't pull a ton of viewers compared to someone that does.
  8. This was always my thread John, get your own.
  9. As long as you prepare it bud.
  10. Not sure if you are attacking him for changing his name or because you think he is trying to match the current staff. Pretty sure Odin was a name John took on for a long time now...correct me if I'm wrong John.
  11. Going to rebel against this decision and still call you John.
  12. I think we might go forward with a community Youtube. I would need a Youtube manager then so hmu if it's something you are interested in.

  13. SWAT should still be a thing. Would be a nice rank to work towards.

    1. Fat Clemenza
    2. Wheatkings


      meh SWAT doesn't work all that well since the gear would be senior apd gear which would essentially make senior apd the only individuals able to do SWAT. There are other better ideas that are floating around, just need a good cop force before we can start considering it seriously putting them in action.

    3. Warfare


      The concept I had in mind would be this. Poseidon was talking about making a secondary civ slot for news team, I assume he would be able to create an additional one for SWAT. If that can happen you basically give SWAT one of the new 7.62 rifles coming out and have them called in when a situation just isn't ending eg; 6 fed waves, huge jail, etc.

      The people on swat would just be skilled apd members that show amazing strength with accuracy, communication, and so forth.

  14. It always helps. I'm tempted to make a public google doc for people to add to such as topics and a sort of sign up sheet showing they are interested in coming on. Would probably be more practical then the thread.
  15. I'm not saying the only good people to have on are cops, I'm saying the people that are always around to come on are usually cops. My ideal podcast would be a strictly civ host, cop host, and medic host then a guest slot or 2. The problem with this is I'm not a heavy anything user. I player civ/cop/news team but I'm also the person that generally doesn't agree with the cops. If anyone wants to come on they are generally welcome. As long as you contact me and you don't flake out I'm fine with whoever. Also if you have topics you want us to discuss you need to suggest them. 99% of the time I'm the only person who comes up with the topics and it's hard.
  16. The last podcast was meant to be heavy apd sided as it was "APD Night". Seeing as we did a medic night it would only be fair if we did an apd night. We want to get the podcast to be more neutral but the problem is people aren't always available to do it and the ones that are usually play cop. Hell most of the server is a cop so that makes life difficult. We also want to make sure the people that do come on actually talk and express their opinions.
  17. I'm sure next weeks podcast Mcdili will chime in on the ghosthawk debacle as well.
  18. Was it really? I saw some streams of it and it looked kind of poop.
  19. You chimed in a bit on vehicle pricing but I don't remember reading anything about lowering the APD vehicles prices. Has any consideration towards that been talked about? It's hard when you earn money on cop and it takes weeks to get enough for a heli just to lose it instantly.
  20. The reason I could argue that vehicles are fair game is because they have plates and you can run them. I'm sure a helicopter would also have some way to identify the owner of it as well. However I wouldn't say you can listen to Ace if you want to, he's the chief of police and if he tells everyone they should start doing something you should. Just because it's not plastered in the rules it doesn't mean you should just ignore it.
  21. Live with News Team Shenanigans. Come say HI http://twitch.tv/WarfarePlays

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