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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. I think the problem is not a lot of people want to grind out on a dev server. Personally I've been on it to test features but haven't touched any processors/fields.
  2. Let's hope other players read this point as they seem to be under the impression that once the update goes live prices are set in stone and nothing can/will be changed. You guys won't know what's the best formula until players actually test it out. Who knows maybe ill have 5 mil by the end of the weekend.
  3. I have goals on Olympus just like everyone else. I just have to put more work in then most people to achieve it.

  4. This The whole point of the update is to make players decide what they want and really work to get it instead of getting multiple things from one run. Now I do agree the game could get repetitive and boring if it's all work and run fun but that's something that will have to be tested when the update actually happens.
  5. Welcome to the community man. If you have any issues just let me know, other then that see you around.
  6. I'm liking this one more, the only thing that seems odd is the badge on the strider. The black outlining it gets all funky on the bottom left.
  7. No I believe it won't be updated if I read the post correctly it will be updated once he does some testing that day and figures out the hardware configs he's going to use.
  8. I'll pass it along to jendrak and let him know that everyone seems to like the white one more.
  9. This is when mcdili goes into that crazy music mode and things he can't be stopped by no rebel.
  10. So I can't connect to servers on TS and I can't connect to Olympus servers but my chrome and steam is fine? inb4 banned for combat logging.

    1. Gucci Mane

      Gucci Mane

      reboot your cable modem mang.

  11. Although I do agree with this I hope the staff are willing to adjust prices/amount of money made if the game is turning into all work and no fun.
  12. I see no point in breaking the rules to have fun. We blew up 21 explosive charges in kavala today and all we had to do was call terror.
  13. I can see truces forming in order to maximize profit.
  14. His profile pic is from a porn lol
  15. Hades stop posting so much. I'll never get top poster

    1. Dustin87


      im about to hit 500 :D

  16. When I saw the edit I have to agree it looks nicer. Maybe Jendrak will go forth and update them.
  17. I think one thing people should consider is nothing is set in stone regarding trunk space, prices, etc. It's not like you guys will keep things a certain way if it completely destroys the server and the players.
  18. Although the server wipe is big news we are going to wait till next Sunday to release Olympus Now #2. Just means it will be a bigger issue.

    1. Lively


      <3 I liked #1, cant wait for deuce :D

  19. This looks so nice. If it's not hard Jen I think it might be worth it to switch it this color.
  20. This week we had some old guests and new guests on and discussed the various things coming to Olympus. Give us your thoughts, opinions, and concerns below.
  21. No official posts have been made regarding the wipe and it might not even happen. Unless Poseidon or Hades makes a post saying there will be one play the game as normal.
  22. Tomorrow we are either going to do an Olympus Now 1.5 issue or we might just wait and do a larger issue next Sunday.

  23. Honestly if you want to do this right pick a neutral ground for every side and allow them to gear up how they want in terms of player gear. Obviously no vehicles of any kind and last person standing wins. I personally think the meth processor is a good location to.
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