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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. The map will get an overhaul and the UI is being completely redone. It should feel a bit more fresh when you get on the servers. What I suggest is making a thread with the ideas and features you would like added. It's possible they are already in/being worked on/denied/etc.
  2. So kettle corn or
  3. One thing I want to clear up is everyone thinks because we are using more objects your FPS will be worse then it is now. This shouldn't be the case as every object that we place is being spawned in client side instead of server side. Because of this change we are able to boost the objects in shops/towns/processors/etc. When you walk into a shop it should feel like you are in a store.
  4. Is me remaking the altis life map something you guys would want me to stream? I know when Jendrak did it everyone liked giving their opinions on what he should/shouldn't do.

  5. It has to do with arma trying to form them to the terrain. We did a fix for them when we put it on the main map but I think some got forgotten.
  6. I don't know....the way his heli just broke it reminds me of when a moderator broke my rotor.
  7. I don't know Hades....my bridge is pretty fucked up. (Inserts generic "it's not my fault" statement)
  8. Possible new BLTN tonight. Might need to be a recorded episode tho instead of live.

  9. I think he was showing off his friends piloting and then them blowing up.
  10. When the video first started I was hoping you were in the sdv that Goldberg stole from the oil rig and accidentally blew up at chop.
  11. M is the original creators of the fast food gang logo

  12. Kavala is the place to go when you want to get rekt by rule breakers and deputies.
  13. Warfare


    10/10 confused about what we are supposed to be looking at.
  14. When you spray a .50 and hit a 1.1km shot through a tower.

    1. Goldberg


      i call it hacks

    2. Mr. Jackson
    3. Virus1


      Only pdubs should be able to do that

  15. Can confirm every dollar does not go to this organization.
  16. I did this before wipe. We basically took a medic hostage and made them negotiate for his safety. At the same time we moved the gold to a new location.
  17. or do those gangs troll the cops so much they avoid it?
  18. Because Dustin is rude. Happy Fathers day Poseidon.

  19. He confirmed it folks! No backing out now
  21. This looks like a normal patrol day for me, I just taze them instead of busting the window tho.
  22. These people are always so retarded. "I might get scammed even tho if we both put our knives in there is no way to get scammed"
  23. Harassment
  24. Always looking for new ones. If Odin is down when we decide to do it i'll bring him on and let him discuss whatever he is willing to.
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