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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. There has been a talk about potential server wipes but nothing is official. We must wait until Hades or Poseidon posts and tells us.
  2. We will have to pass. Seems like a drama starting situation just waiting to happen.
  3. So when I registered my account the name "Warfare" was taken. Now somehow it's not?

  4. EP #4 is now LIVE! Be sure to share your opinion

  5. The 4th episode is finally here and tonight's guests were Jendrak and Ham of Moose. Do to some internet issues Fat Clemenza was not able to make it but he will be on again shortly. This week our topics went by pretty quick but we did cover some good ones. Feel free to leave comments on how to improve the show or your opinions on the topics!
  6. EP 4 went rather well I would say. I'll see about uploading it tonight.

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Murphy's Law... As soon as I join the podcast, my internet decides to die and there's no apparent fix for it. Before I get a migraine over the matter, I'm going to sleep. I'll see you guys when I get this debacle sorted.

  7. Alright so as long as nothing bad happens in the next 35 mins tonights guests will be Jendrak and Fat_Clemenza

  8. Need 1 more guest for tonights BLTN Podcast. We go live at 9pm PST so PM me if you are interested!

  9. Jendrak is once again a confirmed guest for tonight. If all goes well he will be on and discussing some design related topics. Still looking for 1 more guest to come on tonight, PM me if interested!

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Sweet. Can't wait to watch it, dude!

    2. Hellterskelt


      Warfare Im new to the community. This a live Twitch/Youtube/Podcast? I am unfamiliar with what you are doing but am interested in watching/listening if you leave info.

    3. PO Box

      PO Box

      It is a live Podcast and it's hosted on twitch http://www.twitch.tv/bltnpodcast

  10. Honestly no clue who we are having on tonight. After last week I wish we had a permanent staff guest.

  11. Dilpickle hit a dude up yo

  12. Thought the first episode went great. Hopefully things will continue to improve and this becomes a regular thing.
  13. Somebody wants a jailbreak house doesn't he?
  14. 1. It would stop people from shooting their friends. 2. It would allow cops to move them safely and still risk their own life. 3. I could just people as meat shields.
  15. Maybe they do. I mean realistically if your whole gang owns a house in the town and you are the dominating force you can basically say you own it.
  16. Not sure what you mean by gang weapons or vehicles. Don't expect snipers and armed hunters coming into the mix.
  17. Pretty sure the BLTN podcast ep 3 will be the long lost episode. Twitch does not want to export it to youtube.

    1. Jorbis


      There's always the twitch highlight. I know it's not the best, but it's better than nothing.

  18. How about we just ban booboo from this discussion. Only reason shit talking has started.
  19. That's something I've considered but the problem with that is not every topic can or should be discussed for that long and other topics go so well that they need to be discussed longer.
  20. Dumb warfare is dumb and furked up on that part. I will do better to change it when we change topics. The hard part is when we change topics to something we didn't plan and it throws me right off.
  21. Donating to use a go kart is completely option and doesn't impact the game at all. Not to mention the go kart is but one of the items you get for that tier. Lastly you choose what servers you play on, these aren't official arma servers they are community driven.
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