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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. *silently creeps in to watch the fight*
  2. Ight let's chill with being a fucking asshole k? The original post was funny, no need to be a dick.
  3. Snake is McLovin
  4. When H1Z1 launches I won't be on as much. Some of you will be pleased with that.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Papamunski


      visually i prefer dayz and i have had high hopes for that game but they just dont have the dev power like sony

    3. PO Box

      PO Box

      They are making that you have to pay for some game modes..

    4. WatsonMinot


      Ive been playing dayz for a long time though, ive watched it grow from really shitty to where it is now. they still have a lot to do but it is getting a lot better

  5. Why would you put yourself and your wife in the title when clearly your son did all of the work. I mean he was even starting to clean up the mess at the end.
  6. Not sure how much civ I'll be playing until we get a map update. Everything feels a bit bland now.

  7. You have to be pretty fucking stupid to donate money to someone just to talk shit.

    1. wrice4


      I agree, but keep it coming lol.

    2. PO Box

      PO Box

      Yo, those are the best haters.

  8. Hit 1000 hours on Arma. 700+ is spent on Olympus 0_0

    1. wrice4
    2. ToeKnee


      same. rip life.

    3. Onyx


      1321 hours on Arma, 1200 of those on Olympus...

      No lifer ;)

  9. All the people complaining about the hummingbird get out of here. You know how easy it is to take them down and how easy it is to shoot anyone off of it? Work on your aim problem solved.
  10. It's time I take over the legal businesses and shed myself of illegal activities.

  11. The problem is most of the time the cops don't want to rp because they lose gear. I understand not wanting to give players thousands of dollars but instead of the cops giving counter offers they simply say no and try to leave it at that. I want to say maybe make the cop gear cheaper for rp's sake, this might make cops more inclined to work out deals to save players instead of just letting them be killed.
  12. Note to self......don't let random people on your .50 gunner. You may just get banned for their actions.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dustin87


      #rip, are you actually gonna get banned?

    3. Warfare


      No i'm not getting banned. Just an issue that happened last night when going to rob a group.

    4. Dustin87


      Thank god, ya i wouldnt recommend that....

  13. Checked out all 3 servers and the only one that had an update was server 3. However nothing appeared to be changed at all. The map was the same and there was still consoles at the gas station.
  14. I agree but wasn't the updated posted for 2 weeks ago and we still have no info regarding it? The patch was going to fix a ton of issues.
  15. Got the new overlay today, will start using my cam again when I stream.

  16. Usually when I play (I'm a corp) I grab deputies and PO's and just drive around. I do agree tho that at times one channel get's stacked with higher ups.
  17. People don't do drug runs on server 3 because burban is the only controlling gang. Also I'm pretty sure someone said you have to pay them to do it so no wonder they don't want to. #ThreadOver
  18. When the deal was the items requested for the ghosthawk and you guys agreed you went back by not providing that. I made it perfectly clear to the negotiator that the deal was 4 mxm's, 4 lethal mags each. and 4 sgt outfits for the ghosthawk. He said he agreed but clearly that was not the case. Also we wouldn't of wasted a ghosthawk just to blow up an already insured one.
  19. We never actually got it either. The cops decided to go back on our deal so we got into a gun fight, blew up the gun car, and actually lost both ghosthawks (hollows mouse died and it hit the other hawk)
  20. Correct. First 2 were Ksays and the one yesterdays was Moose with exile.
  21. I've stolen 2 ghosthawks in a matter of 2 weeks, 1 being yesterday. We downed the first one using a .50 and the second one we ambushed at air hq. Use .50's to down heli's or just go steal a ghosthawk.
  22. I've only seen burban on server 1 once and that was when I first joined POTP. Came in and ruined our fed rob and we didn't feel like fighting over the last few bars so we left. If our gang was more active again I'd be down to have some gang vs gang events.
  23. Pretty sure it's last known location they were spotted. Not sure if it's spotted by you, your group, or just a random civ tho.
  24. When I first started on the server they robbed me every time. Stayed for a few weeks then eventually left to join a gang that was established on server 1. I could obviously care more about burban now but I don't. Only time I see them is if I'm on cop and I'm usually not on server 3 for that either.
  25. Guess my popcorn flavored ass won't be getting revived anytime soon.
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