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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. I mainly play on server 1 and that's because my gang plays on it. There really isn't a "best" server tho as the experience will very greatly depending on who plays on it, if you have friends, an established gang, and so forth. I used to play on server 3 but switched because I didn't like that 1 gang ran everything, now on server 1 there is multiple decent gangs so the experience is different.
  2. At the point now where I'm just going to pay my 1 mil+ tickets if the cop doesn't actually RP.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Dustin, I have no problem with the RP. It's when I get this "Blah blah blah I'm recording, blah blah you're a bad cop. blah blah" And I'm not saying you guys aren't entitled to give me your opinion, but please for the love of god, take into account, as you guys know, you're cops too. That the sheer amount of people you deal with that just complain and bitch because they caught/lost or just because they have nothing better to do. It can be slightly overwhelming...

    3. Dustin87


      Shouldnt have mentioned names, sorry. Moob next time please PM instead of making a post here.

    4. PO Box

      PO Box

      Please, let's not take the attention away from Delilah

  3. Not to be that guy or anything but any news on 6.25

  4. The Grind to 70 Mil will be going down tonight

  5. That makes 2 ghosthawks stolen. Sowwy Virus

  6. Introducing Altis Cash Cab

    1. PO Box

      PO Box

      He afk'd a CSGO match to make this, please play his cab.

  7. Let's calm down about who's getting sergeant....k

    1. zero the kitten

      zero the kitten

      i nominate me myself and I, I will just jump the corporal rank because i am so gangster.

    2. POTB Justin

      POTB Justin

      @WarfarePlays BCuz u know who ain't? U. :)

    3. SPBojo


      now thats what you call swag.

  8. Honestly I could care less who get's the promotions as long as they stay dedicated, do all the work that is needed, and actually continue playing with us normal people.
  9. Warfare


    Sounds like something I would order at starbucks. You sure this isn't a mod for a car?
  10. inb4 can I have all your money? On serious note I'm extremely sad to see you go but I can understand why. People burn themselves on altis life and a break is usually needed. Even tho we didn't play as much as I would of liked you are an extremely chill dude and I expect you to join me during POTP movie nights. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see you return to us soon.
  11. Patiently waiting for 6.25

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Odin


      Might want to check spelling and such before hitting enter there Dustin. Just sayin.

    3. Dustin87


      srry on teh uphune 4z

    4. Poseidon


      Might delay it till tomorrow, doing some testing with a performance build of arma server executable to see if theres an increase in performance. So far arma is actually utilizing most of the cpu :o

  12. Would explain the outburst of rule breaking by some KI this morning.
  13. You can buy a orca from the rebel or terminal, the taru from rebel, huron from terminal, and the mohawk from terminal. the taru and huron require the herlicopter dlc and the mohawk requires you to be a $100 donator. you can however get the orca.
  14. The system usually goes like a 3 day ban, 7 day, 14 day, then perma. However at the end of the day it all depends on what the person does.
  15. 4 crate house + Garage at DP 9. Right behind the service station. Server 1
  16. I'm sorry, I don't know how to do that
  17. POTP Holdin it down......Barely

    1. Dustin87
    2. Dustin87


      Im legally blind!

    3. SPBojo



  18. pretty sure it's just bugged and Poseidon hasn't added it in yet.
  19. What you seem to be forgetting link is Corporals are just normal APD members. During the cadet and constable period you are technically not a cop but more so a potential cop in training. Just like everyone else we had a civ side before becoming a cop and most of us like roleplaying different scenarios that don't happen when you are on duty. Not to mention some of our higher ranking officers are also staff members so they have other things to handle to.
  20. annoyance? let me know when you are able to win a gun fight against us k?
  21. They won't be able to shoot you down with the cop guns unless you are hovering and they shoot the pilot. I doubt we will see ghosthawk rules applying here.
  22. You should know of it. KI seems to keep coming on it
  23. So to show respect for your "friends" in the army you make a gang in a war simulator after a terrorist group..... Seems legit
  24. If the time is right it wouldn't be hard not to lose it. I think the point of the huge runs is not to make a shit load of cash but more so the experience of selling 30 million worth of drugs.
  25. How about players don't purposely name there groups after groups like ISIS or al qaeda. Clearly all they're looking for is to be assholes and disrespect players. It's the whole reason that rule was implemented. Let's not act like someone made there group name something and it just so happens to be the same as a real world terrorist group.
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