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Status Replies posted by Warfare

  1. Is BLTN going to be uploaded tonight?

  2. Still need 2 guests tonight for BLTN. Drop me a message on steam, forums, ts, email, hot air balloon, carrier pigeon, whatever really

  3. Still need 2 guests tonight for BLTN. Drop me a message on steam, forums, ts, email, hot air balloon, carrier pigeon, whatever really

  4. Spare change *holds out cup*

  5. Thanks for getting the rule update post locked. You know snake is a troll. Should have left it alone we were having a good disscusion.


  7. That Olympus Now intreview better be up soon Jpeg, or we riot with Titans... again...

  8. lol i have 666 profile views

  9. Wasteland server please.

  10. Community team apps are closed for the time being. Please still submit them, they will just be put on hold.

  11. lol i have 666 profile views

  12. lol i have 666 profile views

  13. I love checking the id's of people in MC and to find out that lot's of there members have no houses and below 1mil. Makes me wonder where the mk18's comes from when they have bassicly no money..

  14. Gonna be a long way digging myself out of this 1 for 2 K/D

  15. I was taken hostage 6 times yesterday. I hope today is a better day..

  16. Finals are coming up this week and this college quarter will finally be over, then i'll try and get back to pushing out more updates :)

  17. Top suicide vest of the week?

  18. Finals are coming up this week and this college quarter will finally be over, then i'll try and get back to pushing out more updates :)

  19. Finals are coming up this week and this college quarter will finally be over, then i'll try and get back to pushing out more updates :)

  20. if I printed out the rulebook, I could fill up a 3 ring binder , since it gets a page bigger every week, lol.

  21. Should I continue BLTN?

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