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Det. Payne

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Status Updates posted by Det. Payne

  1. I feel like America took a gamble with trump, I hope it pays off! It's nice that there's someone in office who won't walk on glass

  2. granted I dont play as much right now, but how scummy can you be? "cut the money" = 40 some to a couple players and 6 mill to the other 20 some. respect = lost

    1. Lost


      i heard the offered the leaders to split it even and warfare said FUCK YOU IM LEAVING! thats just hear say. #ONELOVE

  3. i have the equivalent time played as though ive played 16 days straight.... No Life :o

    1. Pinkstreak


      That is not "No life" status. I have the equivalent of 100 days straight played.....THAT my friend, is "No life" Status! *Kappa*

    2. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      you jerk, you out no-lifed me!

  4. Fun times wrecking as cop then fun times flying like a boss tonight! Fun times!

  5. Had a ton of fun playing with cmf and mc tonight!

    1. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      You guys were like Locusts. Good game though. All Hail The Great Tree.

  6. RIP pc, not sure what died but I'll have to find out before I can do anything. Cords first! Hope it's just the power cord! P.s. Kratos I'll pay you to get a new mk18 when I can get back on.

    1. JProfessMan


      Call for a medic!

    2. Kratos
    3. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      That was crazy stupid literally exited the inventory and perfectly head shot you...

  7. RIP pc, not sure what died but I'll have to find out before I can do anything. Cords first! Hope it's just the power cord!

  8. good birthday so far :P

    1. Fastik


      Happy birthday :D

    2. DeathDingo


      Happy Birthday m8!!! If I see u in-game I will be sure to throw you a frag m8 :)

  9. Well me Seahawks just pulled that outta their asses...

  10. the dream came true... fk u virus! and through a wall! lucky jerk!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      He got me with me 3.4 mil bounty, we lit each other up the. Shot me one shot through a wall and downed me and then took me in.

    3. Fedot
    4. Pringle Mccringleberry
  11. I can't change my forum name from l3g1t to Det. Payne on the support page...

    1. Poseidon


      You're not supposed to be able to, it auto fills it in. Thanks for letting me know though. Probably just need to switch the variable since it's using the profile name people chose on account creation.

    2. Det. Payne
  12. Had a dream last night that I was sittin there minding my own business picking heroines, when virus just pops up behind means then I remember my 2.5 mil bounty:( he even hacks my dreams!!!

    1. Dustin87
    2. Virus1


      Wasn't a dream. Deja vu today for you sir.

    3. Doctor James

      Doctor James

      Lol, he hacks and raises people's bounties while they are offline. Fact look it up, comp or ban

  13. Well turns out I have Tourette's... What a time for olympus players... What's next?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      Just got diagnosed today my friend, is never joke about that

    3. Det. Payne
    4. wrice4


      Wish both of you guys the best.

  14. So I played for the first time for real in quite a while today, was a ton of fun. I was worried if have lost my show but I think all the kids would agree I'm good to go :)

  15. So next time I can actually get on, if there is a sergeant or higher on, I'm going to get them to chase me in their ghosthawk, and I will get away in my hummingbird. I'll make a video so people stop whining

  16. Name that tune: if I only had a dollar, for every song I've sung, everytime I've had to play whil people sat there drunk

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SPBojo


      Keep On Rocking Me, Baby - Steve Miller Band

      BRING IT!

    3. PoLaRBe4r


      Google is a hell of a search engine.

    4. SPBojo


      Or actually knowing the lyrics help.

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