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Everything posted by TheKingSage

  1. Congrats man

    1. drama


      Thanks my man appreciate it 

  2. You get them through email
  3. Has to be one of the funniest things I've seen. https://plays.tv/video/5b2b0ca9579993b4fa/typical-olympus-kav
  4. I got one for ya
  5. Got 76 atm ill sell them all
  6. queer
  7. Hell yeah
  8. If you haven't seen the last thread on what would be a new bounty system I advise you to check it out and share your opinion... Anyway, I was wondering what everyone would think of some sort of "Hitman" class... It'd be a license like vigi/rebel/taxi... It would enable them to search the Altis server for bounties that other civs place on them, Going off of @communistjosh idea on where you'd get hints on locations/what they are wearing and other things of the sort... I believe it would put a nice mystery and overall nice idea to the server.. I'm not sure how the developers would bring this about but I'd love to see it! Any other suggestions?
  9. Who said anything about people getting blasted on the map? O_o
  10. That aswell, but any and everyone I spoke to that came from Asylum said crafting was shit and they despise the idea of the whole crafting system in general
  11. I hope not, that's the shit that killed Asylum...
  12. their would still have to be engagement rules, otherwise people would just set 5k bounties and rdm the server
  13. Was wondering what everyone would think about some sort of bounty system, different from what we already got, where a player can go to some sort of NPC and set a bounty on someones head, when that player is killed, the player that kills them gets the $$$... However, it'd have to have the same rules as vigi'ing your own gang, just to keep it from being farmed by the players own gang, thoughts?
  14. LOL Beautiful
  15. i'll give it to you for 400k
  16. 10mil, rn
  17. Looking for an offer!
  18. Looking for offers!
  19. Looking for an offer! thanks!
  20. how much for that house?
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