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James Berrington

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Everything posted by James Berrington

  1. ill take all 6 100k?
  2. Its the AMD processor idk what it is but AMD doesn't run Arma good... at all, so get an intel instead
  3. Ok wire transfer me 4mil and we gotta deal bucko
  4. Use this website: https://pcpartpicker.com/ it searches the entire internet and finds the best deals.
  5. Get a 1060 ti I think they go for about $220, but the 1070ti is also really good for not too much more.
  6. He has no proof don't listen
  7. I want all the spike strips.... for uhhhhh… "research purposes"... pm me
  8. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198372610185/ PLS PICK ME RYAN ILL DO YOUR TAXES FOR THE NEXT 3 YEARS AND DRINK MY OWN PISS ON VIDEO
  9. He aint even lying bruh dreamkiller on some bitch made shit 24/7
  10. just do what I did.... get a 50 cal
  11. https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/28797-paradox-gang-recruitment/?tab=comments#comment-359267 Go there and apply, if you don't meet the criteria we will consider an exception.
  12. See you boys in 22 days when im un beaned thx daddy @MAV
  13. Yo dis shit gay as a mf

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