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  1. I won the heli dlc contest a while back. I actually had the dlc.

    LMKGX-YE5FX-P5E0V Cheers to whoever gets it first. Hve nice day 

    1. darn fool

      darn fool

      Thanks to Africa for giving it to me

      Survived for 42 minutes


    2. Africa


      gg ez 15nzd 

    3. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      Lol forgot to do the check up but w/e

      Lol forgot to do the check up but w/e

  2. Oh boy, I was waiting for something like this. Cheers
  3. 1.) Define their "scam", it sounds like they gave you the money for the item and you turned the tables.
  4. Rest in peace Jimmy Wopo. 

  5. Rest in peace, may you and lilpeep collab in heaven. 

  6. Happy birthday inactive boy

    1. warpoints


      Carter? Inactive? HHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA very true man hasnt been on steam in like 5 days

  7. This is a prime example of the small minority ruining something fun for all of us. 

    Stop talking about this ddos stuff. This is really pathetic and is making me want to move to a more mature game. 18+ is it not? grow up. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Skys


      But yet here you are still replying 

    3. Pledge


      What happened to going to a more mature community?

    4. drraison


      It's not here. get the strap

  8. This whole talk about ddosing is making me sick. My advice to everyone is to shut the fuck up. No one is being ddosed. My advice is to continue having fun playing arma. If you think you are/going to be hit off, set up a VPN or change your IP. But, literally no one is ddosing anyone. If someone is, they are in the group of the pathetic people yelling ddos on the forums everyday. Quiet down and fucking play for christ sakes. This shouldn't be an issue but it seems it is.
  9. Okay so all of the people who were banned from Serenity for ddosing were actually guilty.. Except for Google. He had the ban coming when he kept joking about it. I can say with guarantee that he did not ddos at all. So don't throw Google's name into this ddos mess. He did joke about it WAY too much, but he was banned solely for that.
  10. Getting banned for a joke. JKJK wait im not
  11. Mind informing what hack before I delete my 50 terabytes of rabbit porn.
  12. Yeah what Krispy said. I've had this exact same issue before. My available disk size continued to decrease. I ended up sorting through the different folders on my drive to figure out where the files were loading into. (I think this issue is to do with some background application being stuck on a download and downloading the same corrupted files over and over again.) Check your task manager to see what apps you are running that might be updating aswell. Nvidia exp/ spotify / discord / etc. I was led into my downloads folder and after deleting select few it stopped. My advise is to check the modified date to figure out what is being downloaded.
  13. The CQC has been hitting high numbers for the last couple days now. Thanks to everyone that has been joining -- Cheers and goodluck practicing. :wub:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. monster


      i dont play anymore cause carter is admin 

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