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Everything posted by Reflection

  1. you dont need to watch just win. read the whole thing before you talk dumbass
  2. cpu this is a website..
  3. ive been activly streaming and I was wondering when the stream feature would be added back to the website again :D
  4. those houses are good for storing coke and stuff
  5. ill buy for 3 mill msg me
  6. garage for 1 mill
  7. ill guy the garage for 1 mill
  8. how much got armed huron?
  9. how long does it last and does it have any negative defects? like can i die from taking too much?
  10. wait are u for real does it actually give me more health? and by how much like 3 extra shots? cause if thats true with full vest and some csat im basically god lol
  11. Now this has been a long Idea of mine but I didnt mention it because I wasn't to sure if it could even be done. I am sure with the "amazing" developers we have for the server we could pull something through The basis of the idea was to increase the value of doing illegal runs and cartels for all Essentially all or just some Illegal Processed or double Processed ( up to what we want ) have certain perks Therefore there is an actually demand for drugs like the real world So if I had 100 Processed meth I could manually drug deal it to people who wanted the drug to fight Some of the perks could be very simple to not allow huge change in game play - The way I would have it is that u would have to either double process or triple process a drug and using it would not give you a weird effect but rather a helpful one. Examples could be... - Meth = increased stability for 60 seconds - Moonshine = 5% faster sprint - Coke = 10 extra health for 60 seconds - ECT - you get the point and even if this does sound super op u could also nerf them by adding defects to trade off EXAPLE - Meth = increase stability for 60 seconds - but can only walk ( player reduced to walking speeds - Moonshine = 5% faster sprint - minus 10 health - coke = 10 extra health for 60 seconds limited vision or ranged vision THIS IS JUST AN IDEA PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ASK QUESTION AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK
  13. I almost 100% agree with you but we all know the staff aint gonna remove vigi or nerf cop because 99% are just career cop. So if i may suggest instead of changing anything, MAYBE, just allow rebels to buy mx tasers or some sort of tazer at the rebel. I know this would change the game a lot because it would be an excellent robbing weapon but i mean it would be hilarious to see both vigis and cops getting constantly robbed and I bet every career cop or vigi would prob say its way to op when its actually the same gun the cops use most of the time. There is a lot of backfire to this tho but Im sure there could be details worked out. Please dont hate on me its just a simple suggestion that would be really fun and if ur worried about the mx tazer being op just make it the same price the cops pay XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDX LOLOLOLOLOLOL
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