I almost 100% agree with you but we all know the staff aint gonna remove vigi or nerf cop because 99% are just career cop. So if i may suggest instead of changing anything, MAYBE, just allow rebels to buy mx tasers or some sort of tazer at the rebel. I know this would change the game a lot because it would be an excellent robbing weapon but i mean it would be hilarious to see both vigis and cops getting constantly robbed and I bet every career cop or vigi would prob say its way to op when its actually the same gun the cops use most of the time. There is a lot of backfire to this tho but Im sure there could be details worked out. Please dont hate on me its just a simple suggestion that would be really fun and if ur worried about the mx tazer being op just make it the same price the cops pay XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDX LOLOLOLOLOLOL